
Christopher Orapello is an artist, witch, and animist with a background in western occultism, ceremonial magick, and Freemasonry and has been on his journey for over 25 years. He co-hosts the podcast Down at the Crossroads with his partner, Tara-Love Maguire, and is a signature artist with Sacred Source (a leading producer and distributor of ancient deity images in North America). After a growing desire for a more locally-based form of witchcraft, he and Tara founded Blacktree coven in 2014, where they set out to forge a modern approach to Traditional Witchcraft for a new era of praxis. His first book- Besom, Stang, and Sword- co-written with Tara, is available now wherever books are sold from Red Wheel/Weiser Books. I can be found online at Feel free to challenge me to a game, friend me, or listen to my show via the show website. His podcast can also be found on Libsyn, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Play, and other podcast service providers and directories. Please check the show website for the latest information regarding the podcast. Bendith