Find a Chess Club

The Cheetahs of Chess -TCoC-
WE DON'T ARE CHEATERS OF CHESS. You're probably thinking, "I don't want to join any more clubs," but still, I'd like you to give my club a chance...
The Attila fan club
  Clubda rütbəli olsun və ya olmasın kim cluba çoxlu nəfərləri gətirirsə ona super admin rütbəsi verəcəm  Clubda a...
Hello,♟️😺♟️ Please join to our club! We are very active! We have our cat categories! If you are active, you can be Meowgrandmaster! Ou...
  HISTORIA Pertenecen a la Escuela del Remate ya que finalizan las partidas gracias a su instinto asesino. Con ataques despiadados, la par...
Nebraska Players
This club is a place for Nebraska chess players to play chess tournaments online.
Nairobi Chess Club
We are the oldest chess club in Kenya having been registered on 26th February 1958. We meet every Saturday afternoon from 2pm at the Goan Gymkhan...
Zombie RP
You just woke up to a desolate world of chaos. People are attacking others, biting, and so forth. This is just a roleplaying/social club :> ...
The Rook Gang
                                🎉 Welcome to The Rook Gang! ♟️🔥 S...
The Animal Kingdom Conservation Group .
The Animal Kingdom Conservation Group is a fun loving group. We love and respect animals and also the beauty of nature. The Earth its ecosystems an...
Team Artsakh
Hello, It's @Arthur_Khachaturyan, Team Artsakh Participates In TCMAC and ONE WORLD League.  
Śɭick Speedsters
Hello there! Imma start by impressing you with our members: Titled players: @ATM622, @Banwabeesarecool, @Alphalphazero, @michaelskie11. I know ...
Anime Chat Club
Hello, We invite you to Anime Chat Team! invite 30 you'll be ADMIN! Invite 50 you'll be SUPER ADMIN! Thanks!  
GM Matibar - Patronite
Klub dla osób wspierających moją działalność poprzez platformę Patronite.
Team of wise people
By invitation only! Hi, yes, you see a home, join us as a family The Team of Wise People, "Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come t...
Classical Music Chess
For lovers of Classical Music and Chess!! We also participate in vote chess and play chess in the TCMAC league and play friendly m...
Team of Budapest
Budapest is the capital of Hungary. The Budapest Commuter Area is home to 3.3 million people. The history of Budapest began with Aquincum, that bec...
Pawnsong's Sons and Daughters
Only @Pawnsonglikedawn and sons are allowed. You cannot join if you aren't a son. Requirements to be a son:  Be adopted by @Pawnsongli...
Randomly Horsin Around
Hello and welcome to Randomly Horsin' Around (aka The Horsey Club)! With a mind blowing 0+ members, we're an active(ish) community here on chess....
OU Students Association Chess Club
This club is open to all Open University students who are interested in chess. We are open to all levels of chess players, from beginners onward. W...
Team Schweiz-Suisse-Svizzera
This team represent Switzerland in World and European Leagues. ------------- Hallo Schachfreund! Um in dieser Gruppe akzeptiert zu werden, musst du...