
Follow the Midway Chess Club on Twitter

I played Chess as a child and was beaten by my cousin who gave me no quarter!(First game was Scholars Mate, I was quite a sucker!) But it has made me an decent player. Then life happened and I did not play for about 20 years except the occasional game with a buddy of mine in the Army. I worked in R&D for R.R Donnelley, was a field engineer for a computer hardware/software company, taught at a University and owned a bookstore. Fortunately, I retired early and am now playing chess everyday.


In addition to playing chess I am an active "Solver" on and play in tournaments locally and nationally. I am coached by IM Igor Khmelnitsky, FM_Eric Schiller ( Member) and Mikhail Korneman. I play on the Chicago Industrial Chess League and am the President of the Midway Chess Club or

visit us locally Google Maps Link. Instructor at the local library's chess club. I recently became a fellow of the British Chess Problem Society. Also called "The Problemist.

Current projects are: Sam Loyd, Translating "Das Indische Problem" by Kohtz and Kockelkorn from German to English -rather slowly-. Collecting Chess Folklore for another upcoming book. My most recent project is doing ALL the photography for a book called "Knitting and Crochet encyclopedia of Toys." Outside of Chess I am an amatuer Astrophotographer and Astronomer, I manage my wife's Blues Band and homeschool my children. I also try to sharpen my culinary skills and have a few published recipes.

I am an eclectic indivdual and love to play chess with new friends, so drop me an email or note.



