
C5 or E5 as Black



im playing chess since i was a kid but i never became very good at it but still having fun. After not playing for a while im back enjoying chess again, my DWZ in Germany is about 1550. I dont know what Elo that is, some say about +100 points? Wich would be 1650 Elo Rating so you can assess my chess strenght.

i always was a E4 payer with white who answered E4 as black with the C5 Sicilian Najdorf Defense having not very much clue about plans or theory. Nowadays i wonder wether i should play E5 instead of Sizilian to learn chess better since it is recommended everywhere to do that until u get to a certain level of strenght in terms of chess. My feeling was always that by creating this asymmetry on the chessboard with C5 i have more winning chances then with E5.

Long story short, wich opening as black would you recommend me to play vs E4, and why?

C5 or E5? Thanks


c5 is more theoritical and sharper e5 is more positional so it's up to you that you wanna play a sharp or a tactical position.

I love to play C5. It gives a lot of interesting positions with a lot of asymetry