
Hidden Retreat Adventurer

I enjoy meeting new people and listening to what they have to say.  I am a scientist at heart.   I enjoy exploring and surrounding myself with nature.  I grew up as a farmer, so animal behavior is more easily understood by me than human behavior.  I also was an athlete in school, so I am competitive and will always think that I can win, even if defeat is inevitable.  Never back down.  I played chess now and then, but now I would like to understand the intricacies of the game better.  Whether you want to say hi and wish me luck, give me some pointers or spill your guts to a complete stranger, I am eager to listen.  If you want to know more, just ask me.  Also accepting all challengers.  I might not understand all variations of chess, but I am willing to learn, so I can be a worthy opponent.

C.C Friends

@Jessa_Rose Much cooler than Lily. A very nice person and a dear, best friend.  She is very reliable and very active in everything she does.  When she commits to something, she will give it 1,000%  Loves to get to know people.  We talk about anything and everything. Most days we talk for hours at a time.  Topics? Random and confidential.  lol.  Talk to her yourself.  I know that she is always watching out for me and I do the same for her.  Please don't harass her.  She might put you in your place or you'll get yelled at by me.  Your choice.  lol. Another sentence so Jess's section stays longer than Lily's  😁  The Horse Club

@SioncePatLilly A sweetheart.  I listen enthusiastically to her stories whenever we chat.  A dear and treasured friend.  A best friend.  Hope she can be more involved with my club someday. Her goal is to become a titled player.  And I slowly making friends with her mom.  Always wishing the best for them both.

@Advait0007 A great guy and close friend.  Very creative and always willing to listen to me and offer advice.  I probably wouldn't enjoy c.c as much without him.  Always watchful and helping me explore new things.  Clubs:  Too many lol. Easily found in AAC and Hogwarts High

@Vesper_Leapurrd A wonderful young lady.  Kind and caring, just don't annoy her too much.  lol.  A close friend.  I love chatting with her and her club is my second home.  She likes to help clubs stay active and is always posting ways to help endangered animals.  Love her to death.  Animal Appreciation Club

@Solflaren One of my first best and dearest friends here.  A sweetheart and prefers to take a neutral stance. After several months of chatting, we realized that we weren't on each other's friends list.  lol.  That was quickly fixed.  Even with school and wanting to become a 2,000+ elo player, she is dedicated to the clubs she holds positions in and enjoys exploring new clubs.  We often practice against each other in daily. Trying new techniques and strategies.  Sips Tea

@Empress_of_Chess1 A wonderful young lady with a fiery temper.  Don't mess with her club.  lol. Maybe an overprotective big brother sometimes, but I can't help it.  I treasure the friendship we created.  I'll come running whenever she calls.  X_Purpl3-GalaxY_X

@Lilyana 🤓 Nerd Fr.  A wonderful young woman and a sweetheart.  Shhhhh.  Don't tell her I said that.  A very good friend.  Love joking around and pestering each other.  It is nice to see her smiling, laughing and having more fun.  Invited me to my first clubs where I witnessed her true talents as a staff member. Loves animals and is a veterinarian.  She also writes wonderful stories and we bounce story ideas, plot and characters off of each other.  Lily's Horror Studios

@Billleboss A great person to know and we're steadily growing our friendship, despite language barriers.  Loves to talk about football (soccer) and chess. GO RONALDO!!! lol.  I do what I can to promote his club and he is a very reliable SA in my club.  Always watching things while I am sleeping.  His club is very competitive in chess and they like to help players grow stronger.  CR7 Club

@Rosette-Solace A wonderful young lady.  We definitely started on the very wrong foot.  lol.  But a dare helped our friendship get on the right track.  We have become good friends and I hope our friendship continues to grow.  We learn more about each other with each passing day.  Rosy's Flower Club, Pekin of Chess

@snowy A good heart with a wild and creative personality.  Can be a goofball at times, but our silliness plays of of one another.  It's a pleasure to work with her on projects and play in mafia games with her.  A good friend and we are learning more about each other with each passing day. Ch3ss.c0m, Twilight

My second home: (click)

My First Home: My Club to relax in or to find an adventure:  Hidden Retreat (click)


Here is one for my newer friends and acquaintances:

Friendship Diary:  What's your opinion of me?

Explore and have fun!!!