Miembro Diamante

Join the chess hangout, it is an amazing social club!!!

Vote for me in chess society!!! Vote for me!

Join the International Chess Empire to support diversity! The International Chess Empire


 Continuing to up my USCF (1125) goal: 1.25k

Copy & Pasted Anti-Bullying, but with a few of my own

So, Bullying. Think you're so cool, huh? Well, that boy you just tripped, he didn't need that, he's already abused enough at home. That girl you just called ugly? She puts on makeup for hours hoping people will like her. That boy you made fun of for being bald? He has cancer. That guy you made fun of for crying? His mom is dying. That girl you called fat? She only eats veggies every day hoping to fit in. That person who's walking down the street with a prosthetic leg? He fought for this country. You and your friends making fun of 80's songs? I'd like to see you make music yourself (plz don't I don't wanna go deaf) and also, if you are bullying that means you are just insecure around your victims, and it's kind of sus. So just support pride month to wash away your sins. Put this as your bio if you are against bullying.

I will accept any friend requests and any challenges from my friends, see the loophole?

Dm me the word 'Haiwoo' for an award

Happy day!


"Friendship is like food." Save it so it doesn't spoil. @Tyler519">-@Tyler519

"Freeze your friends so they last longer. jk". @ChamZ21">-@ChamZ21

"Don't get your sister mad, she will hit you." @Tyler519">-@Tyler519

"When you look at darkness... it looks back at you." -Om Guthula

"Watching SypherPK stream is like watching an FB1 Agent fight an ant." -???

"My Jawline, it's- I can't stop!! 馃か+馃‍鈾傦笍=馃椏" @christiansmithguy">-@christiansmithguy

"The man who says his wife can't take a joke, forgot his wife took him 馃"

"Yooo... it's the guy from Fortnite!!" @AnshFortnite1">-@AnshFortnite1

"To be or to cease to exist, that is the question. Or is it?" 

"More quotes coming soon... or will they?" @AnshFortnite1">-@AnshFortnite1



-Coord in 2k+ member club

-1k+ National USCF ELO. account

-Other stuff.

Also, don't scroll down.































Now can u plz stop scrolling? 馃ス










































I'm telling u, your fingers are getting tired tho...






















Here are 10 facts about you that I know!



























1. U not from South Korea























2. Your existence is worth that of a penny, but you have accomplished a higher order of wealth than a penny.





























3. You cease to know the true meaning of life, yet you still cannot accept not having eternal happiness


































4. As you are reading this, there are over 1200+ animals currently suffering abuse, and you are doing nothing to stop it.




































5. New life is being born to make a change, more frequently than old life being taken away, as its duty is over. Yet, you are neither of the 2.












































































































YOU 馃槄














































Wow, you were brave enough to read this last part? Good for you 馃コ Now finish this!!!

























End of my bio, but the start of yours!!!