Miembro Platino

Life begins in the quiet dark,  
an echo of the universe's first breath,  
a spark of light in a boundless sea.  
We emerge, unaware,  
into the warmth of a world waiting to be discovered.


There is a river that flows through existence,  
ever-changing, ever-constant.  
It carves through landscapes of joy and sorrow,  
through canyons of despair,  
through meadows of peace.


In youth, the river is swift,  
its current a ceaseless rush toward the unknown.  
Every rock and ripple a new challenge,  
every bend a mystery,  
every rapid a thrill.


We gather stones along the way,  
each one a memory, a lesson, a part of us.  
Some are sharp and jagged,  
cutting deep, leaving scars.  
Others are smooth and comforting,  
a reminder of gentle days.


As the river matures, it widens,  
slows in its pace,  
carrying us through broader, quieter waters.  
We begin to understand the rhythm,  
the push and pull of tides,  
the way the sun reflects on the surface,  
the way shadows play.


There are moments of stillness,  
where the river pauses,  
reflecting the sky,  
mirroring the soul.  
In these moments, we see ourselves,  
truly, deeply,  
and the world becomes clearer.


We meet others on this journey,  
their rivers intertwining with ours,  
sometimes for a moment,  
sometimes for a lifetime.  
In their eyes, we find reflections of our own struggles,  
our own hopes,  
our own dreams.


There are forks in the river,  
decisions that shape the course of our journey.  
Some paths are chosen with certainty,  
others with doubt,  
and some we are swept into,  
powerless against the current.


We learn that to fight the river is futile,  
that peace comes in surrender,  
in the acceptance of its flow.  
We discover that strength lies not in resistance,  
but in resilience,  
in the ability to bend without breaking.


The river carries us through seasons,  
of abundance and drought,  
of warmth and cold.  
We learn to adapt,  
to find beauty in the harshest winters,  
to find strength in the hottest summers.


In time, we realize that the river's end is inevitable,  
a destination unknown,  
a merging with a greater sea.  
But it is not the end that defines us,  
it is the journey,  
the way we navigate the waters,  
the way we embrace the flow.


Life is a river,  
an endless, winding path,  
a journey of discovery and growth.  
It is a teacher, a guide,  
a mirror reflecting the depths of our soul.


As we drift toward the horizon,  
we carry with us the essence of our journey,  
the wisdom of the river.  
We become part of the endless flow,  
a drop in the infinite sea of existence.