Update_GOOD NEWS- Youtube channel soon "Tm" Washed up fide master, I had severe psychossis For 12 years and Was in jail for few years and few years in Mental institutions, Im now only sligtly Loco, but Otherwise fine, Bought rural propperty Where i chop wood to Went my anger, I also like To post my exquisite games for peopel to marvel at, soon im about to become Grandmaster after i do norms this years. Recently I became LEM. Low Elo master!!! As it is highest honor. UPDATE: DId OTB tournament at Abandoned Castel ruin today ran by international Undergroudn chess federation and I received My Last Norm For LEGM- Low Elo grandmaster so im Now FM+LEGM!!! Highest Honor!!! as Low ELo is where all ELITES ARE STUCK and Opressed by rigged ELO system, and gatekept by agents of server room matrix. GAME IS RIGGED, 99% are stuck at LOW ELO due to gatekeeping by Agents of chess matrix- ELo gatekeeprs, System is rigged. Stop bully me
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