
welcome to my bio!!

hi i love rocks and rooks are the best chess piece and u will be the best if u join my club im a alpha zero fan i mean stockfish is good to but alpha zero is the G.O.A.T im also a Ronaldo fan i have played in 2 obt tournaments in the first one i got 4 wins and 3 losses in the second one i got 5 wins and 2 losses and u can call me rookie or rook im also a blogger if u want to see my blogs just go to my activity. Rooks are just THE BEST PIECE IN CHESS I WILL NEVER CHANGE MY MIND and i hate queens because i get checkmated by them so many times and THHHEEEE ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKKKKKKK meme is just perfect for me                                                                                                                                                        and here are some of my friends:

@catinumerii: a legend of a person and a great friend but he has some problems in his life which im not gonna talk about also join his club


@oyjunior: he is know as the E guy because he just says e he does talk about other things too idk if the e is something to do with Rush E

@thuaforever: he was the first person that made me think friends are not stupid we used to play a lot of 4pc teams but do any of u know what thua means the answer is..... loser yea he made name loserforever *sigh*

@KaylynRoni: a person who has helped me a lot in my club also known as catnumerii the second

and here some more things about me: 

my name is Arnav.s

im a school student studying in 6th grade

u can call me Rook or Rookie

i was born on 7/10/2013

i hate brain rot like i very much hate it

i hate queens 

im a boy

i love rap music
