Miembro Diamante

Welcome to my Profile!  Idk why you open my bio but thank you this!

Friend me in one Click! I will have 1000 Friends! (I often organise Daily Tournaments, that’s why)

My best Puzzle Battle was 31

I will play vs you, but I think I losing before the Game starts!

I am the owner of the Club The Ge-Winner! Here is the Link:! Please join my Club! 


You can call me Emil or Winteremil

My Favorite Music:

Alan Walker, Faded.


@Mittens742689 is a good friend. He has a club, Mittens742689club. I started to know him after he joined my club, The Ge-Winner.

@alexisbernier I started to know him in the Deutsch Chat. 
He really like Rocket League.

Do a poll about me!!

I want to be a GM!!