۷ عضو
۳ نوامبر ۲۰۲۴
1 Event Played

You were invited CLUBS CHESS LEAGUE or CCL. CCL organized tournament and we partner with some club. We work several things like looking for clubs , discord server , Instagram page , YouTube channel,etc.


tournaments Tournament with other clubs tournaments

votechess Vote chess tournaments votechess

trophies Weekly daily Tournaments trophies

chesspawn Partnership with other club chesspawn

lessons Learn new in chess lessons

articles Chess news articles

wk Compite in our special yearly multi club arena bk

stats Boost your elo stats

if you got hi! Before invite link

It mean you and your club is invited to join CCL community and join our special new year multi club arena on 2nd January.

How to join CCL COMMUNITY:

Step1:- send invitation link of your club to me.

Step2:- join CCL club.

Step3:- you must join one of our CCL partner club like:

Team public chess 

Chess for all levels club 

Tournaments and great chess club

Lerson club 

The checkmate crew 

Club of friendship . 

Step4:- just say hi on CCL club note.

The benifit of joining CCL community:

  • chesspawn Participating on 2nd January special new year multi club arena.
  • chesspawn Promot your club ( like above club )
  • chesspawnGet monthly or weekly puzzles forum and educational forum on your club ( it depends on your club everage elo ) .

Note:- your club must be more than 14 members.


pls add more members to expand our community.
