
I love chess and chess history. Worked as a counselor (not an instructor), at a chess camp for several years and met lots of GMs. Learned a lot about the players of the 30's-60's. Ran into lots of Russians. Sold antique maps and prints for 30 years; (yeah, I'm old- but far as I can tell, not dead yet). Semi retired, I'm outdoors a lot and work with  kids with reading difficulties. I tell 'em I'm 29.  If they are 2nd graders they believe me. Give me a few years, I'll probably believe it myself.    addendum:  I'm now working as a sub in grades pre-k thru 5.  My kids are in their 30's  and I miss the little ones.  Another addendum-helped found a thrift store for our little community two years ago...and quit when the board members forgot our purpose and wanted to parade themselves.

The Atheists
The Atheists ۲٬۷۸۹ عضو
Team Colorado
Team Colorado ۵۱۵ عضو
Seniors Chess
Seniors Chess ۲۹۰ عضو
NAMASTÉ ۷۷۳ عضو