

Hello. I play e4!

My current preferred openings:

As white:

vs e5: King's Gambit (My favourite opening happy.png)

vs Sicilians:

~ Najdorf: Amsterdam Variation and Opovcensky/Classical Variation

~ Dragon: Yugoslav Attack and Levenfish Variation

~Scheveningen: Tal variation and Sozin Attack

~2...Nc6: Nyezhmetdinov-Rossolimo Attack (Bb5)

vs Caro-Kann: Tal Variation (4.h4) and Van Der Wiel Attack

vs French: Paulsen (3.Nc3)

vs Pirc: Austrian Attack, or set up with f3, Be3, Qd2, g4 and Ng3 going for a Kingside attack.

As black:

vs e4: Sicilian Dragon & Najdorf, Alekhine's Defense

vs d4, c4, Nf3 : King's Indian Defense, Modern Benoni