AwesomeMath Chess Club Session 2 2023
Welcome to the AwesomeMath Chess Club!
Make sure you sign up for a account before our start time on Saturday 7/1/23
The tournament will be unrated, so feel free to use your existing account
Make sure to click JOIN to enter the chess tournament before 2:15 pm EST!!! Once we begin the tournament, you cannot join anymore
The tournament will last from 2:15PM-4PM EST
The tournament will have 6 rounds, and the games will last 10 mins with 3 sec increments
Come and join our Zoom, so you can talk to your teammates while you play
The game, AMONG US, will also be offered as an alternative to chess
The TOP 3 TOURNAMENT WINNERS will get extra points
Message the Admin with your First and Last name if you're in the top 3
(The person with the most points at the end of the AMSP session will get a free AMSP book )
*** Any act of CHEATING will result in immediate disqualification from the tournament and any prizes you might have received ***