
Please don't read my bio, it's just weird...

And if you really want, click here


Moin™! I'm Tec, I like chess, RPs, poetry, swimming, Wing Tsun, reading, writing, blogging, collecting weapons and chatting. 

Note: Moin™ is a way to say hello in Germany! 


My friend link (pls add me): https://friend.chess.com/F6NSf

I'm at Discord! Here's my fan club:


And this is maybe the nicest Chess Discord! 


Btw, my username there is tecdragoman

Some quotes by me:

"If your life doesn't make sense anymore, then don't try to look for it with your eyes, but feel it with your heart" 

"The reality is not alterable, but you and your goals, they are" 

"Let the future come like it is, and don't try to change it. Yes, it's possible to build your own way, but there are always obstacles, without them, there's no reason to really live" 

"No one is a failure, the only failure is the way you see yourself"

"Whatever will happen in your life, if you need help, I'm always there for you" 

My nicknames:

-Tec: for everyone 

-Tecky: @RealJessie 

-Tankdragonman: @Tanniaaaaa 

-sir: @X_Mylee_X

-teccy: @X_Mylee_X 

-master tec: @X_Mylee_X 

-dragon guy: @KudoShlnichi 

That's me:

Name: Maximilian Ohmer 

Birthday: 23rd September 2009 

Height: 5'9

Hair: Short dark blond

Eyes: Brown

Nationality: German

Relationship status: Single 

Abilities: Brilliance (halfway) , Knowledge (in nearly everything) , School (especially maths and science), medicine (self-taught), everything else where you need your brain

My 2nd: @MaxOhmer  

Good friends: (I'm working on it, dm me for that)

@RealJessie: One of the nicest people I know 

@JustNotYetGM: A good Blogger, we are working together at new blogs

@Fucoda: Pandora, the most swasome (sweet + awesome) person I know, also a good student <3. And from now on, she is my new "sister". Btw, her sister Muika is also really really cool and nice 

@morpecko: My strong "brother" 

@TecDragomann: my first real fan

@KingC9RN: Finally someone I can talk to in German... Also one of the coolest people I know 

@ACsPureImagination: Wow, I don't know what to say. AC is just one of the funniest people on chess.com. Respect! 

@TheBlazeWingDragon: Bro really knows to lead a club, he's a really good friend and hey, please join his Dragon Chess Warriors. You can meet me also there if you want! 

My blog: https://www.chess.com/blog/TecDragoman

My face reveal: https://www.chess.com/forum/view/off-topic/this-happens-if-i-draw-myself-face-reveal-87386373

Please join those clubs:





Try to find out more about me:



Other stuff:

-If you want, put this in your bio:

- If you want me to join your club, let's do that: You try to advert your club with a self written dm, and if it's good, I'll join. Believe me, I see AI or copy-paste

- Did you know that I'm the guy who brought the Moin™ to chess.com? 

Moin™, Lel™, Bluh™, Zamn™, ඞ™, Skul 💀™ and Tschau™ are registered trademarks and can only be used by the members of The Dragomantus Corps. All infringements will be prosecuted.

-> I want at least 5 days of Gold Membership for that!