kind of boring
Chess moves converted to music
Boring is harsh... I didn't feel like the music really captured what was happening in the game (although the game was sort of one-sided). Interesting idea though. Every chess game is a story and could be great inspiration for music.
There are 64 squares on the chessboard and only 12 notes in the musical alphabet unfortunatly, so yes, it can get a touch repetitive :D
thanx for listening tho
There are a lot of variables you could play with in different ways. On the music side you have melody, harmony, volume (velocity), rhythm, etc. On the chess side you have piece, colour, rank, file, captures, promotions, etc. Would be interesting to hear different correspondences than just position->note (if that's what's going on). A great idea to experiment with!
I have created a musical formula using theory to convert chess moves into musical notes.
check it out on u tube and enjoy :D