PRIOR TO 2000!!! :(:(:(
I'm quite sure Anand achieved GM status in the 1990s. That is, of course, unless you were subjectively deriding his claim.
Sorry i am wrong, sorry chessfanforlife. Thanks Locke
PS Kasparov and Fischer kick Anand's butt.
Thanks :):):)
Karpov won much more tournaments and matches! He was a great Champion!
And he continue playing, as fare! Where are the Fisher and Kasparov in the chess, now? There are in the great history...
Not to sound rude but those numbers are skewed?! Fischer did not play anywhere near the number of games Kasparov or Karpov did, and just as importantly he did not play at the top levels of chess as long either. The 2 K's had to adjust to a new world of computers and databases, and thus improved competition. They proved they could evolve where Fischer never took that chance.
Piratedog hits the nail on the head as well. A great player is seen as being great for more than just the game itself. It's what they do that makes the game great for us. Lets face it, if Tiger Woods were a mean spirited malcontent do you really think golf would be as popular as it is now?
Greatness comes in more forms than just winning, it also shows in ones character, and their ability to give back.
Kasparov is my pick when it comes to his longevity at the top level, evolution as a player, consistency, and tireless promoter of the game.
Who was the greatest Grandmaster of all time... prior to the year 2000?