
The World League


This is the World League rules and regulations that Team Wales have posted now i am posting it in the forum of Team Bangaldesh for our members benefits-

Have a look!


Joining is easy and requires no hefty commitment (one round starts each month - that's only two new games a month per member). Plus, players of all ratings are welcomed (see below)

The rules of the League at the moment are as shown below:

-Members may only represent one country in the World League. It is up to them which one they represent.

-Members may only play in World League team matches appropriate to their online chess rating.

-The league is divided into four divisions: Masters (top players from each country), 1601-2000, 1201-1600, and under 1200. Players may NOT participate in more than one division at a time, even if their rating qualifies them for more than one.

-If a player’s rating is altered enough during the course of a match to change their division, they must switch rating divisions only AFTER their current World League team match is complete.

-All members are entitled to participate in a World League team match, as long as they are within the rating parameters and they are following all other rules. Team Leaders may not withhold this right from them unless it is absolutely clear they will not be able to finish their games in a reasonable amount of time.

-In keeping with the site rules, team members may NOT help each other out during their games.


Yeah, The world league


when does it start?