
Yorktown accident victim was Chess Master


Sadly a car crash on friday in Yorktown involved accomplished National Master Jerome Kurtzberg, who was 76 at the time. He died from the injuries he suffered in the accident. Jerome achieved the National Master title back in 1981 and he was well known for giving simul exhibitions at the local libraries. Mr. Kurtzberg will be well missed in the chess community!

Here is the news article:

I have been to Chappaqua, and I can tell you that the junction of Quaker Street, Douglas Road, Mill River Road, and Hunts Place requires special attention. It's not a grid-like setup but winding roads snaking into each other. I am sorry for the deaths occurring in the area. 

so sad.

what can i say..."you have to live youre lievery moment of youre life with intensity because you can't know when it will end "  Cry