
The rarest achievement in!?


Cc should the feature that PlayStation has were they say what percent of members achieved this

Randomizedplayer1 wrote:
The hardest achievement is actually killer king

No, if you get in a ladders mate position you can do this


castle victory is the hardest to collect legitimately... i've unlocked all of them & that's the one that gave me the most trouble by far.

technical_knockout wrote:

castle victory is the hardest to collect legitimately... i've unlocked all of them & that's the one that gave me the most trouble by far.

Puzzle Addict is definitely harder and takes more time. Castle Victory only took me one afternoon though it's significantly harder at higher elos and I just so happen to suck at the game


the hardest achievement is to convince your opponent to draw in a losing position, convince them to play f3 g4 opening for the next 100 games, getting a random membership from losing the draw game somehow, and the losing position has 7 knights

icantcomeupwithagoodname wrote:
Castle Victory only took me one afternoon though it's significantly harder at higher elos...

virtually impossible without a special plan, since you are basically giving castling odds & better players resign more frequently: i had to convince a lower-rated player to play unrated training games through to checkmate in return for advice in order to finally get it.


I got the achievement by playing an unrated game with a friend of mine, and just so happened to checkmate with castling


And puzzle addict may take a lot of time, but it is much simpler than castle checkmate

technical_knockout wrote:
icantcomeupwithagoodname wrote:
Castle Victory only took me one afternoon though it's significantly harder at higher elos...

virtually impossible without a special plan, since you are basically giving castling odds & better players resign more frequently: i had to convince a lower-rated player to play unrated training games through to checkmate in return for advice in order to finally get it.

it's much easier when both you and your opponents aren't good at the game

you just have to gradually get an advantage without getting checked, ensure you have enough pawns to promote to rooks and queens, convince them not to resign, and you pretty much have it

I think I played like a 900 who agreed not to resign for the achievement, they were really chill about it and I think they blundered their queen early which made getting the achievement easy for me

cellen01 wrote:

So, I was just adopting my guy @ShadowCellen(not my alt, and sry). And in one of the game he just freak out and just give up lol, so I ended up checkmating him with long castle, and got this achievement.

The legit first ever time I have done this achievement. There is another achievement which is to checkmate with a king move(discover check with king and mate).

I believe over 80% of don't have this achievement xD

are you cellen from chess simp discord server?


I don't have the upgrade to premium badge but I have diamond. I wonder why.


Biggest achievement on here would be to read something that isn't insanely stupid


hop in the party? what does that stupidity mean?


Rarest achivement 5000 rated in rapid

Kyobir 写道:
cellen01 wrote:

So, I was just adopting my guy @ShadowCellen(not my alt, and sry). And in one of the game he just freak out and just give up lol, so I ended up checkmating him with long castle, and got this achievement.

The legit first ever time I have done this achievement. There is another achievement which is to checkmate with a king move(discover check with king and mate).

I believe over 80% of don't have this achievement xD

are you cellen from chess simp discord server?

I in fact am

sensacc 写道:

Biggest achievement on here would be to read something that isn't insanely stupid



yep congrants

technical_knockout wrote:

solving 10,000 puzzles? much harder.

castle victory is easy just find an opponent who isn't that good who won't resign.

thats my average in a month on chesstempo, not hard really


the only time i have seen a 0-0-0 mate i think it was a capablanca game, yeah so that is rare trophy


It's called a friend bebe. Just get a friend to let you checkmate him with castle