
1950’s Style Dubrovnik Review



I am anxious writing this review because Dubrovnik pieces seem to create a lot of emotion. I hope this review reads objectively, that is my intent. In short, the pieces are magnificent. RCM was responsive. It’s a lovely set. Skip to the bottom of review for photos.


For those that want to go a bit deeper ….

It’s been a while since I have written a review and I must say, I harbour some anxiety in writing this one. There’s been a lot of emotion in the CB&E forum over the past week or so, and thus, a few caveats if I may:

  • I am not a Dubrovnik expert – please take my comments as a layman; I cannot speak to the historical accuracy of the set that I have purchased.
  • The earlier 50’s style attracted my eye more than some of the later styles; pure related to my taste – nothing more nothing less.
  • My purchase price is at the cheaper end of the scale - AUD$268 (circa USD$175) including all taxes charges, freight etc... Pleasenote: while this set is in ‘my range’ of affordability it does not reflect my view of other sets. Further, I appreciate and admire those that can afford more expensive sets (and indeed, I might have purchased such sets if money was no object). 
  • My decision to purchase from this manufacturer – being Royal Chess Mall – was based on the balance of their reasonable price and the fact that I really wanted a set of the style of the early 50’s and that of the options available, this set looked most appealing to my eye.
  • I have some experience buying new and second-hand sets – but there are many more people far better placed than I to review and compare to other options. I cannot do that – this is my onlyDubrovnik; I have no other reference.
  • My want was a playable chess set – not a valuable collectable, per se. Both would be great, but this is not a valuable collectable.
  • Perhaps there are too many Dubrovnik threads – why another?I didn’t want to hijack someone else thread … apologies if I missed a better place to put this review. 


The Dubrovnik set is much talked about. It has an almost mythical status – probably off the back of Bobby Fischer’s comments related to a slightly different dub-style pieces, made after 1950 (I think).

My desire to buy was motivated by my want to see these pieces for myself. Albeit – it’s a repro but getting up close to an original seemed an unlikely aspiration.

I investigated a lot. Which meant exploring the internet on the subject... and there’s a lot to explore! I found some wonderful videos along the way too. After much thought and many instances of placing variants into the online baskets of various suppliers – and then walking away - I finally pulled the trigger on this set from Royal Chess Mall - “1950s' Fischer Dubrovnik Chess Pieces Only Set - Mahogany Stained & Boxwood - 3.8 " King.”

With the purchase came some trepidation. I was managing my expectations – much like an over-hyped movie, I was telling myself that Dubrovnik pieces – their design - would not live up to expectations.

Royal Chess Mall’s customer service was responsive to my questions pre-purchase (they have a What’s App channel to answer questions and speak to customer service). In providing prompt responses, I gained confidence in their service. Historically – I have purchased numerous sets from other suppliers including CB, HoS and SC. My experience with service and quality has been mixed but in all prior purchases – any issue have been promptly fixed. Still, I feel like it is still a lottery, and I am nervous with any new purchase and any new supplier overseas.

Once I purchased, I was again happy with the various emails and updates - confirming purchase and then tracking delivery via FedEx. All went well. The pieces were received 7 working days after purchase and 2 of those days appeared to be in Australia passing through our customs. All good.

The packing was well executed – padding everywhere – which was good because the box was clearly damaged in transit. The pieces were individuallywrapped - much like occurs with CB.It’s safe – if not pretty. Hos and SC have nicer packing with precut foam, branded boxes and sometimes certificates names the pieces. Not from RCM – the pictures tell the story.

The pieces exceeded my expectations. They are a delight. The carving and consistency is first class – at least when compared to other (non Dubrovnik) sets that I have. Not to heavy – not too light; goldilocks. I appreciate that some people prefer unweighted Dubs and I am sure they would be a delight too. On weight – the consistency is better than any set I own – 1-2 grams difference in weight max – between light and dark pieces.

The design is – in my eyes – beautiful. I chose stained pieces and I am glad I did. The mohogany stains provides interest and character to the dark side pieces. It’s a lovely colour. These are functional pieces, clear on the board and wonderful to hold. The highlights are the knights and the rooks – I note that these rooks are straighter than the original version from RCM – apparently, they took feedback to make them more historically accurate and I am glad they did. These stocky rooks are ace – to use a term from the eighties! The knights are great – somehow photos don’t do them justice. They are great to hold and the carving lines are a wonderful – the manner in which the neck curves into the jaw works beautifully.

I really don’t have anything bad to say. If I was being super picky – perhaps the base of one knight seems to have a very slight difference in stain depth and one of the light-side knight’s has an ever so slight carving kink. Near impossible to see – but I have put a photo in so you can see - just me look for faults.

Anyway – over to the photos. I am now a Dubrovnik convert. I will not buy another Dubrovnik – one is enough but the one is a great joy.


Congrats! Those pieces are strikingly similar to the sc version. How heavy are they?


That is very nice set. I have the same one from royal chess mall but in antiqued and ebonized boxwood . Mine had tapered rooks. Later on they revised their rooks to a straight variant.

Mahagony Stain looks really nice on the pictures but would like more inputs on your end on how this looks in real life, Is it more purple or brownish in colour ?


Congrats Powder! The set looks good on your board. I really like the mahogany stain as well.


Nice selection of board and set combo.

You really take great (iPhone) pictures... lighting, composition, multiple angles and all. Your shipper did a great job of individually wrapping each piece. I wonder, did you have to request it to be that way or they just know what they're doing and did not cut corners?

Great post, as per usual, @Powderdigit.


A very nice chess set. You got a winner. And you can thank Random Chess Talk. For working with RCM to fix their Dubrovnik chess sets. To be a accurate reproduction. RCT just got his RCM Dubrovnik chess set. And was also very happy with the new accuracy of the reproduction by RCM. After giving them the correct diagrams for the Dubrovnik chess sets.

And the 1950 Dubrovnik chess set was GM Fischer's favorite chess set. But Fischer also owned the 1970 Dubrovnik.

The original 1950 Dubrovnik was the last chess set GM Fischer used in match play in 1992. As this was his requested chess set for the 1992 Fischer Spassky chess match.

And here is Random Chess Talks review of the RCM 1950 Dubrovnik.


Still Random Chess Talk did a lot of Plagiarism from the forum over this set ?

see video .

Powderdigit , Nice review , not a bad set for the price , cheers wink


Hi all, thanks for the feedback. Thanks for linking the RCT video - you can hear his passionate appreciation. On weight, excuse my hand written notes next to my scale but here are the weights in grams of the dark and light sides. They feel great to me but wouldn’t want them to be any heavier and indeed, I can understand why unweighted or a tad lighter would be attractive too. On colour, I am always a bit uncomfortable because sometimes I am not sure how I see colours … but I would describe it as dark brown. There’s the slightest hint of purple in some light perhaps ? In the photos below, I have lined them up against neutral backdrops in natural morning light with other pieces of brown plastic, stain and Anjun wood. I hope that helps.

lighthouse wrote:

Still Random Chess Talk did a lot of Plagiarism from the forum over this set ?

see video .

Powderdigit , Nice review , not a bad set for the price , cheers

Plagiarism is passing off someones work as your own work. So no....

As even you know where it comes from.

DesperateKingWalk wrote:
lighthouse wrote:

Still Random Chess Talk did a lot of Plagiarism from the forum over this set ?

see video .

Powderdigit , Nice review , not a bad set for the price , cheers

Plagiarism is passing off someones work as your own work. So no....

As even you know where it comes from.

Point is he should of qoute his source & also thanked the members that had posted photos which he has used or at least given credit too , so yes it is Plagiarism ?

lighthouse wrote:
DesperateKingWalk wrote:
lighthouse wrote:

Still Random Chess Talk did a lot of Plagiarism from the forum over this set ?

see video .

Powderdigit , Nice review , not a bad set for the price , cheers

Plagiarism is passing off someones work as your own work. So no....

As even you know where it comes from.

Point is he should of qoute his source & also thanked the members that had posted photos which he has used or at least given credit too , so yes it is Plagiarism ?

If you think you are correct. Anyone can report his video to Youtube!

Lets see if you can get his video deleted. I bet not......grin

Hi all, as the OP can I please ask that this debate is moved to another or new thread - if it is to be explored - so as to keep focused on this review.

If you like the set without weights. You can request a set from RCM with no weighting. If you are going to buy more Dubrovnik's. And I think you can request this from other manufactures.

I would never use a wood chess set without weights. Even though Fischer liked that aspect of the Dubrovnik.

But remember Fischer was crazy. grin


Now that I have had the pieces for a day or so. Yes - a whole day of experience!! 😉Some other observations that may assist prospective buyers of reproductions of the style. The pieces are understated, some may say underwhelming - it is certainly simplicity and form and function at the centre of the design here - not the super detailed and intricate design of others sets. So, think about that in the context of use - if you want a flashy display set; this may not be it. I have those and I like them - rarely used but they look great on display around the home, I like those other sets for sure but this set for me is more about use.
Don’t get me wrong - in my eyes, there’s elegance and beauty in the refined, simple design of this reproduction but other sets are more breathtaking in their intricate detail. Depends on what you want.
Then their the size - it is a 3.8” king with a substantial 45mm base - the pawns 32mm … so … that board above with 60mm squares …. the fit is still snug. This makes board choice important … I have a number of lovely boards to which this set is too big….. looks like in need to find more boards now!!🤦‍♂️


And here they lay at home in the box my uncle made for me. 👍


It's a very nice set powder! You are really accumulating quite a nice collection there....I see it becoming truly amazing when you've mastered the wood turning and begin to give Oleg R. competition.wink


Powder, In terms of favorites, how high up does this set rank among all of your sets?


Congrats on your purchase Powder, awesome set!


Hey @MCH818 - hmmm… how high up. My favourite, for a range of reasons, is the Green Chavet - by quite a long way. I’d need to think more but this set is in my Top 5, perhaps Top 3 but… ask me next week … my mind and tastes, change with the wind!! 😉😊

PS - having changed the pieces to my favourite vintage board … they are a tad cramped but I reckon it’s fits their utilitarian form … they might yet make it to the top 3, I reckon. 😉 The evening lamp light is not ideal but still quite pleasing.


The green Chavet is a good choice for number 1. I can understand why your RCM Dubrovnik is top 3 or 5. I really like Dubrovnik chess sets. As for your board shown above being a little tight, I tend to agree that it might be a little tight, but it is still very usable. The bishop can still slide between the king and pawn. I think it looks very good on that board along with your Garde clock.