
Chesnut Air and Spectators


With a Chestnut Air (or equivalent) would there be a way to link a OTB match to a nearby tablet or laptop so that spectators (but not the players) could see an eval bar/engine moves?

For like friedly matches in a casual setting - coffee shops, campus, lounges, etc.


Yes if if you let them log into your account or your playing online !


Chessnut does have a feature to stream live OTB games using a generated URL that the spectators type in a browser to view the game, but there is no analysis bar.

If the spectators want to see a live stream with an analysis bar, perhaps they could use a third party app like White Pawn or Lucas Chess to view the the live stream?


Thanks for the input!

What if I logged into, opened up a new anaylsis board, and went to "make moves" - would the moves played OTB sync and show eval/moves there?

Just thinking about a way to make games more social/audience interactive on a small scale.

Edit: I dont have an eboard, so cant test this myself. But it would be another way I could rationalize a purchase

I'm basically imagining playing a friendly game OTB with a laptop or tablet on the table next to the board, facing away from the players with eval bar/engine moves. That way any friends of the players or members of the public who want to watch a bit could maybe enjoy the game more and encourage more socialness.


The Chessnut App does do Live OTB game engine evaluation:

If you use an Android Phone or Tablet to connect to the Chessnut board, you could use Chromecast to broadcast this screen to a TV or another device using Chromecast.


Awesome, thanks!

DeadliftDominions wrote:

Thanks for the input!

What if I logged into, opened up a new anaylsis board, and went to "make moves" - would the moves played OTB sync and show eval/moves there?

There's a very good Chrome Browser Extension called Chessconnect that works with Chessnut e-boards and many others that let's you do what you suggested.

Using the Chessconnect Browser Extension and the Chesscom Analysis board, I made moves OTB and the moves synced and showed in the eval no problem.


If you're going to use a laptop, why not use laptop software like Arena, Fritz, LucasChess or Shredder. You could connect to the Chessnut using BLE so the laptop only needs to be within Bluetooth range of the board, and you could use a video out cable or Chromecast to send the screen to a larger monitor or TV. With my driver you could set it to show no LEDs on the board too.

Arena would be good as that can be set up to have multiple engines analysing the position with each one showing an arrow on the screen for their best move.

Just make sure the software is put into "Analysis" mode otherwise the engine in the software will start trying to send its own moves to the board.