
Chess pieces from the Igorot people of the Northern Philippines


Collecting is a strange passion - at least it is for me. I find myself with another ‘figural’ set and yet, when I started out - I’m pretty sure I would not have purchased these pieces. Indeed, I wouldn’t have taken a second look at them…. Yet, here they are, in my abode! 

Why? I’ll ‘blame’ my long distance friend Holger Langer 😉😊 and my interest being broadened when I helped edit his fine book. 

In this instance, I saw these pieces a few months back … I was intrigued and referred to my copy of Holger’s book and sure enough, there was a similar set in his collection and I was confident that I had stumbled across a similar set.

I enquired of the seller - a lovely person in regional Aust and decided to purchase them. Unwilling to post the pieces, I waited patiently until she was coming to Melbourne and I picked them up accordingly. 

I guess this is a ‘tourist’ set - the couple who purchased this set love the Phillipines - having been numerous times, she and her husband purchased these pieces 30+ years ago,  as they traveled there a few times from the 70's up to 1990, I think she mentioned. She had fond memories - watching an indigenous family in a rather remote and mountainous area carve the pieces … she noted that they all had specific jobs, whether it be from sourcing the wood, carving …. 

She’s now selling them because those that play chess are no longer around and she is clearing away some items ….

She’s glad they’ve gone to a good home. I’m glad to have them.

Now …to finish as I started … collecting is strange - I am delighted to have these pieces but there was also a slight tinge of disappointment in that I thought the black  pieces may be something like Kamagong - but alas, I feel that they are the same wood as the light pieces but somehow stained … I’m not sure! 

It’s  not a big issue for me - rather I am just trying to convey to breadth of feeling one gets when collecting - and how very cool it is that the process of collecting can cause such emotions. Anyway… something different for the forum to view. Some will like them - some won’t - and that’s understandable.👍

I love the imperfections - see the one pawn who’s hair has not been carved?!

Finally, if anyone has any clue as to what wood these are made of - I’d like to know - it’s very lightweight.



A nice set (and I might mention, a nice board they are standing on).  The carving reminds me just a little of a set that I have which dates from the 1970s.  

Cheers MC and Greg. When I was reconditioning that board I did think these pieces would fit …. and I am glad they do, thanks for the feedback. 👍

A nice looking and especially unique set to add to an interesting  and growing collection.


Yeah - it is a growing collection but that growth will slow now that I am becoming a tad more selective … …  it’s bloody good fun and really interesting to check out the different pieces and to think this was made so many moons ago and in a vastly different region from where I live. Here’s a few more photos - my eyes torn between the footy - Carlton vs Geelong on the tv and some pieces on the side table. 😊


A lovely set, congratulations Mark! If my book had that much effect on you, I'll gladly take the blame. happy

For those who are not familiar with my book, here are the pictures of my Philippine Tribal sets.


Inspired by a Balinese set I recently acquired, I thought the Igorot pieces of the Philippines deserved another run. This time on a different vintage board and this one is playable. 👍
I think the colours work well here too. 👍


This might be a collector’s sacrilege - altering an original but…. I decided that the Igorot needed new shoes! 
As would be expected from a tribal set - the pieces were un-felted but actually this is a playable set and I wanted a better feel to the pieces and to protect the boards they play on. 
I have some high quality dark brown baize - and as this isn’t a ‘traditional’ Staunton style and I wanted the felt to be subtle - I chose a perfect match for the dark side and a logical contrast for the light side. 
I am not selling these pieces and I haven’t tampered with a historical museum piece and therefore, I believe this is an excellent upgrade. If not it’s easily undoable.


Very nice upgrade, and quite nicely done too!


Very pleased to pick up this set today - 15 mins from home. I’d been looking out for one to accompany my Igorot pieces and of course, Holger’s Staunton Phillipines pieces too. The couple were lovely - downsizing and their kids had no interest in chess (seems a common refrain). Holger Langer’s book notes that these pieces depict the king as Phillipines national hero - Jose Rizal. The beauty of the Kamagong wood is hard to beat. 

And check out that little box in the last photo - it’s a wonderful little French set - Size 2, I think … he just ‘threw it in’ for an additional $5. 


From the Phillipines to Africa. An interesting set that I believe is of African Makonde origin. It’s small and quite lovely. The dark wood pieces are 20-30% heavier than the lighter pieces.


Your collection of tribal chess sets is shaping up quite nicely! Lovely!

Thank you. I am certainly not intending to collect them … but when they appear, I am intrigued enough to look at them.
I generally move them on but the three in this thread have stayed with me, so far. It’s all part of trying to educate myself on different sets.

It’s wonderful what a coat of beeswax oil does to refresh the wood, draw out the grain and the help focus on the carving nuances. You can almost feel the pieces sigh with relief as the oil goes on!


Night & day difference.... You're not moving that set out!

Hey Magic, it’s interesting that for sure. Basic but lovely carving on what looks and feels like very dense hardwood.

I'm still trying to figure out how you are able to come up with these sets. To me, a collection of varied and standard sets is wonderful...You've accomplished that imo.

Seems like "you" have the "magic"...Not me! The wife tells me 25 sets is where I stop if I still want home cooking.I can do a PB&J but that's it!


@Powderdigit, lovely African pieces. I'm a first generation Filipino-American and my ancestry is from the island of Luzon, Philippines. I was not fully familiar with the Igorot pieces. They are lovely and seem of great heft! I also enjoyed seeing your "Maria Clara" pieces. My father brought me a set back in 2000. Not Kamagong though. It's the ONLY 'figural' set that I like and that I will ever have unless I find an Igorot set like yours! The Maria Clara has several different variations. Older ones are a lot more refined. I like this figural version because the pieces are easy to identify. I mean, the Bishop is literally a bishop! All in all, thank you again for sharing your incredible and varied collection!


That is a beautiful Set, The Igorot sets are really beautiful recently
I picked up one showcasing the igorot vs ifuago. I dont know how to upload the image since I am new to the forum here.
I found this forum while trying to identify one set I have I dont know where its from. I will try to find out how to upload the images and may be someone here cna help me identify it


Thanks for the feedback and kind words @Greenmiller and @Nikk385 .

Regarding uploading photos - in my experience, it can only be done via a browser and not in App. Via the browser - there is a little picture icon on top of the reply panel that should allow you to choose and upload photos but… I think you need to be a member of the forum a certain period (1-2 weeks I think) … before you can upload photos. 👍