
Chessnut Evo connectivity question

Do you have to set up an account with Chessnut in order use the Evo? Also, is an internet connection required? I have other boards for playing online, so I’m mostly interested in the “chessvision” feature.

Yes, you need an account with Chessnut.

If you do not have an internet connection, what are you going to do with it? Just play local games?

Chessvision is just a technology they use to transmit the moves to the online site you are on.


If you want to play local games while you don't have an internet connection that is possible. There is a video of it here (as well as one showing how to use your phone's internet connection as a hotspot if you have a mobile account with data but no wifi):


Hi, I currently have a Chessnut Air, but I'm doubting of buyinn an Evo. Does anyone know whether you can use/install Forward chess on the Evo? So that you can read a book on the screen and play with positions on the board? Thanks!