
DGT Pegasus?


Chessnut Air is way better than Pegasus in terms of hardware. And it has Windows driver now so that it can be used in Fritz, Lucas Chess, Shredder, HIARCS, etc. The capture bug at Pegasus is annoying. They should update the firmware. 


I have my DGT Pegasus.  I download the app for my android phone and it works fine with the app and with lichess.   I was unable to connect to on my phone though at first.  Then when I finally did it was not always registering the moves.   It was fun playing other on lichess and the chess computer on liches.   

I also tried connecting it to my computer and going through, but no luck.  It would connect then disconnect.  I finally got it saying it was connected at on the computer but it would never show any moves on the chess board.  I enjoy it for what it is and how it works, just not happy with how it does not connect here as easy as I thought. I am going to keep playing around with it over time and will let you know if I have any success, meanwhile if someone know how to get it work (either the computer or the phone) with let me know. 




After making comment on not connecting to I went out to my living room and connected to on my phone no problem and then played several games successfully



Hello.  No problem 

Whith computers i play whith Lucas Chess it s  ok. I dont know  for Fritz  and  shredder







CooloutAC wrote:

ok so chessnut doesn't accept discover.  ordered the board.  I hope its not too tiny lol.

from the 6 min mark he starts discussing the measurements and he also compares the size to the DGT Pegasus later in the video so you can see.  


Supposedly they are working on a tournament sized board. 


Who Dgt ? Or chessnut?


I was able to get my first DGT chessboard and have it working with now.  It is an excellent board and I have enjoyed it.  My two disappointments so for is sometimes it does not register with first touch my move and I lose time, and when playing with the chess clock in 3 or 5 minute games that can cost you.  It also requires that you move the opponents piece before you move your piece but the clock is counting down while you are making both moves and that also can cost you a few seconds, which in 3 or 5 minute games is annoying and I have lost my time because of it.  Other than that it is fun and awesome to play with. 




Heureusement  qu il fait cela , ce serait trop facile de tricher , on réfléchirai avant de bouger la pièce de l adversaire 😁

Fortunately he does that, it would be too easy to cheat, we'll think before moving the opponent's piece 😁


So suddenly today Lichess is no longer appearing for me on the DGT app on my iPad, just DGT offline. Anybody know what that's about and how I can fix it?  I've tried deleting and reinstalling the app, but no dice. 


I would if I could, but I can't access Lichess at ALL anymore. The only thing that shows under "Platform" is DGT Chess Offline... and even when I press that, nothing happens. My app has been rendered completely useless. It's weird.


Yeah, I've moved to WhitePawn until DGT updates their app and I'm just not messing with it until then.


I recommend Bogdan Zerk's Pawn Ends chess book

JanekLeoniuk wrote:

I recommend Bogdan Zerk's Pawn Ends chess book

Hot pawn action?






Yeah ;o)


: )



I'm a recent owner of the pegasus board. Can you play online with me th the white pawn app? 


I've also noticed my battery seems to run down when the board is packed away after turning it off. Is there a fix? I'm sure it's off (and besides it's supposed to shutdown on its own after 30 mins of no BT connection) 


Note that to power off the board you have to hold the button long enough to see the LEDs circle around in the middle, just like when you power on the board (but they circle in the opposite direction). That caught me out at first.

Having said that the battery does still lose its charge very quickly. Hopefully one day there will be somebody that shows how to replace the battery with something a bit bigger.


Thanks, I have been fully shutting it down,( took me a while to spot the different cycle direction of those central squares)


I was just surprised that the battery was almost flat when I next unboxed to play, maybe a week later. 


I've been calibrating each time I turn it on, only takes a moment