
Help me identify this antique chess set


I bought this antique chess set here in Brazil. The seller said it's about 50 years old and I believe that, but I don't think it's brazilian made. It came in this wooden box, with no identification of the manufactor whatsoever.

What struck me at first sight was the pieces' ellegant thin "waist", specially the pawn's. Also, despite not being detailly carved, the knights aren't crude either.

Two fun facts about this set:

1) it came with three black knights (!), one of which is visibly smaller than the other two.

2) it came with a weird little piece (only the white one) that I had never seen before. I wonder if its purpose is to be placed on top of a rook and "transform" it into a queen, in case of a pawn promotion, at a time when makers would't think of adding an extra queen to the set... any ideas?

Fala irmão, é brasileiro sim. Bem parecido com o do meu sogro, que postei aqui alguns meses atrás, comprado em SP algumas décadas atrás. Ainda não sei o nome do fabricante.

Hey bro, it is brazilian indeed. Very similar to my father in law set, posted here a couple of months ago. The set was bought in Sao Paulo some decades ago. So far, I couldn’t identify the maker.
ferpesan escreveu:
Fala irmão, é brasileiro sim. Bem parecido com o do meu sogro, que postei aqui alguns meses atrás, comprado em SP algumas décadas atrás. Ainda não sei o nome do fabricante.

Hey bro, it is brazilian indeed. Very similar to my father in law set, posted here a couple of months ago. The set was bought in Sao Paulo some decades ago. So far, I couldn’t identify the maker.

They are very similar indeed, maybe different sets from the same maker? Now, regarding the sticker on the back of the board, we should consider the possibility of two different makers – one for the board and another for the pieces, but that's a good starting point. Thanks!

ferpesan escreveu:
Fala irmão, é brasileiro sim. Bem parecido com o do meu sogro, que postei aqui alguns meses atrás, comprado em SP algumas décadas atrás. Ainda não sei o nome do fabricante.

Hey bro, it is brazilian indeed. Very similar to my father in law set, posted here a couple of months ago. The set was bought in Sao Paulo some decades ago. So far, I couldn’t identify the maker.

Hey man, I found a set just like ours on sale. I contacted the vendor, but unfortunately he said there's no info on the board regarding the maker's name.
Here's the link:

Thanks for the info Marco. You know that few companies thrive through the years, specially here in Brazil, with a very challenging business environment. Probably it was just a small unknown company that perished a long time ago. Let’s see if we can find more info in a near future.
Even the Petropolis Interzonal chess set from 1973, the most famous brazilian set, you can’t barely find any pictures or history about the maker, imagine this ordinary set…
Regards and take care!

Update: the set has been identified and it was indeed made in Brazil by Luiz de Genaro & Sons. The manufacturer's seal can be seen on the last photo of this link:


Such a beautiful chess set! Do you know the year it’s from? And is there any connection to the Petropolis Interzonal chess set from 1973? I just got into Brazilian chess sets through a The Chess Collective video/interview with Stephen Kong (Chess Praxis).

I like to document chess sets of historical significance with information about their production year and use in particular tournaments etc. together with an image of the chess set. I made the image below based on your photos, but it features the pieces at different angles.

If you would like me to create a better image like this for you, or if you would like to do me a favor for my chess set documentation, could you put these six pieces next to each other (preferably with the miter cut facing right) and take a picture of them together?