
I made chess eBook Reader that makes chess books interactive.

After I proposed the idea: and outstanding beta tests we have 3 months ago: - thanks to all people who helped with beta tests - your are awesome, I couldn’t make it without your ideas and support! - the app is finally available.
It is an eBook Reader for chess ebooks specifically. It makes any PDF chess ebook interactive in that sense that once a book is analyzed by the app, you can double-click on any chess diagram in the book and it will show up the analysis board where you can make your moves, turn the engine on/off, see top 5 computer lines which most often contains lines in the book. Every book is only analyzed once, the next time you open it, you can interact with it immediately.
Changes made since the beta tests:
  • a completely new PDF viewer component with page thumbnails, table of contents if a book has it, easy zooming, jump to page, etc.
  • the analyzing algorithm is trained on many more books
  • the app remembers on what pages you ended up working with your books and anytime you open them again, it opens them on those pages
  • more verbose status of the analysis progress, so you can see what’s going on, e.g. finding diagrams on pages 100-150
  • both monthly and annual subscriptions with pricing suggested by beta testers - annual subscription for the price of one chess book, and cheap monthly for ones that would like to use it occasionally
  • and more...
The app is completely free to try so everyone can check if it’s suitable for their studies and preferences, and only then decide if the member account helps with that. The only limitation of a free account is that the diagrams are interactive on only over a dozen of first pages containing diagrams in a book.
If you don’t have chess ebooks to try, there are plenty of free samples on the internet, e.g.
Any comments much appreciated

Wow, amazing project. Does the app work on anything or does it have certain limitations?


Just tried it! Works really smoothly. I will finally be able to study without  a chessboard!

antisunechess wrote:

Wow, amazing project. Does the app work on anything or does it have certain limitations?

It works with any PDF file at the moment. I'm planning to support more formats in the future, including djvu and epub probably. 

I'm glad you like it!


Exactly how many pages can I read with free version?


@pkacprzak  Super idea and work. I do not own any ebooks so far but if I could get a program to make an ebook interactive I would probably buy a few.  Can anyone tell me would it work with the chess ebooks Amazon offers as this is probably what most people have. 

TundraMike wrote:

@pkacprzak  Super idea and work. I do not own any ebooks so far but if I could get a program to make an ebook interactive I would probably buy a few.  Can anyone tell me would it work with the chess ebooks Amazon offers as this is probably what most people have. 


As of now, it works with PDF format so if you buy a book in PDF format it will work 100%. If you want to try it with free samples of books in PDF format, you can download many free samples here 


Yeah but look at the whole new quoting possibilities


This is truly fantastic and much needed app! It works perfectly.
Thanks for doing it.


I would be curious about the accuracy rate in recognizing diagrams from old and/or lightly printed diagrams.


Love the idea -- I don't have any ebooks, but oh well......


Bro, you are a hero. I am going to upgrade soon. Which says a lot because i never pay for any premium anything, not even on this app. But what you did is greater than anything i have ever seen

HugeCrab wrote:

Bro, you are a hero. I am going to upgrade soon. Which says a lot because i never pay for any premium anything, not even on this app. But what you did is greater than anything i have ever seen

Happy to hear it works for you!





I'm going to take this opportunity to thank @pkacprzak for the app.  I use it to scan diagrams on web pages, and it opens up an analysis board in Lichess or chess .com.  I was on a Jitsi call the other day with an old friend, who is very serious about his chess and rated about 2,000 FIDE. We were looking at a chess position and when I scanned it he was astonished.


The ebook reader subscription is very pricey! Any discounts? 


This is pretty killer. Thanks. 


Now (finally) also available as a Mobile App:

Download for iOS

Download for Android

Problem with this app is people must sign up using their emails in order to access the app which not free either