Post pictures of your chess pieces/boards that you made yourself
Oh my, the master has returned! You should name each set you made, this one like "The Jacmater Signature Luxury Collection Limited Edition Set no 1"
Thanks to all of you guys, it is greatful to share my works getting these feedbacks.
This set will not end up as a gift as all the other sets I've made.
@pawnerai thank you very much man! at the tine being I cannot compete with the crown jewel, the Raikislai set!
@TheOneWithTheNeverendingNickName this is just a simple staunton set, the luxury one..., maybe..., is coming in the future .
@powderdigit I'm also an amateur that just make that to enjoy the proces and peace it gives to me.
Oh I know what luxury set you meant is coming soon! Trust me, I choose that over Oleg any day in the week and twice on Sunday. Oh, did I tell you I do accept gift?
VIsiting my sister's home I took some photos of the set that I gave to my brother-in-law, it is my 4th set and I posted pics of it in this threat time ago but, why not a few more pics? So here you are. It was not based in any known set but inspired in some that I've been seeing. Enjoy the pics.
The knight on the right has played a few bullet games I think.
Okay, after a few time tired about turning pieces and involved in another matters, I decided, three months ago, to make another set. The fact is that for the first time I joined the forum one special set paid my attention and that was the Chavet, thanks to mr, Michael, Pawnerai (with the garbage one), mr. Walterbiensur, etc.. and their great pictures, I was liking it more and more and decided to chose it for the next project. I think I like this set because it makes me think that is like a toy, like if it was designed for kids and that gives to it that simplicity and beauty. So this is the final result:
I did not base the design on an specific one, I chose the pieces i like more from each Chavet and made my own.
All the pieces in boxwood, it was very hard to stain it for the black pieces, I finally found an alcohol based dye for varnishes used on violins but the final result is not perfect as the wood grain is not completely covered.
You can follow the making proces of the chavet knights for this set here:
I love that you went with the modern, candy gumdrop top Queen, chubby Chavet version as your influence. Haha! Not a perfectly carved repro of a vintage set. Chess is fun. Don't take it too seriously. And the dark stain looks perfectly fine. It gives the set a warm character. Great work!
Well done @jacmater! I love the craftsmanship on display here. Your skill is showing mightily. Thank you for inviting us all into your world.
Great job! Looks amazing to me. As for the staining, the French sets sometimes look patchy. Here is my B210 set.
And to borrow the JACMATER username to use with Australian slang…
this JAvet … you C … MATE…. it’s hmmm 🤔 R … brilliant! 😊
I reckon I’d order one too if you ever produced it … albeit it may be out of my range. @Jacmater … great work!!
Thanks guys! I'm glad you liked it!
@Pawnerai, was your review what made me start falling in love with this set, even when you called it "the garbage", the knight photos touched my heart! and I got the queen outline from one of your review pictures.
@GrandPatzerDave, @Krames thanks!, it took me three (or more) months to build it up! so... quite dificult to start a line production! haha.
@MCH818 I agree with you, the stain looks very nice on your set and, on mine, It can be considered as very used set
@..Michael yes! I've seen it! but this brutal army has changed the white flag for a sword!! , the knights were extracted from one of your great pictures! It was very hard to choose wich one to make! And when I finally ended posted the threat with all the chavets you own! OMG! it would have been easier one month before!!
@PowderDigit Haha! well seen! the nickname Jacmater has its own history but is not interesting for the people on the forum but it was funny for me. I think in french Javet is pronuncied almost the same as chavet.