
"lost issues" of TWIC


Does anyone have issues of TWIC 899 through 919?  (Preferably PGN but maybe I can convert from other formats.)  When their website moved they just "forgot" about the archives and I used to sync only yearly, so I missed all the issues from the beginning of 2012 to the time of the move Frown


I found a site via Google that had an archive of many of the older one. There were a few corrupt ones that wouldn't fully load (and I don't recall which ones) but you should be able to find them out there.

I'll look on my system and see if I still have them.


I do have them. Something is wrong with 901 but I have the rest.

Message me your e-mail and I'll send the PGNs to you.


Looks like you're SOL I tried finding them but gave up after discovering Google Search Engine is specifically designed to not work properly in FF. I have chrome too but I already have these issues, and got tired of wasting time with Google SE.

I could probably email you the issues as attachments what do I get in return? I'm not looking for $ so make me an offer I can't refuse


I found them with Firefox, though it took a bit to find a good site. I'll see if I can find them again, though I have them all downloaded. The archives for 901 and 892 had issues though, so I'm missing those at this point.


Here is where I got them from:

It is the first search result when you search via filename (of one of the files)


Martin_Stahl   tell me exactly* how you found them I still can't and I will send you 901 and 892 via an email attachment

*What browser, search engine and exact wording you used


Well, I'm using Aurora 20.0a2 (which is basically Firefox 20 alpha). I'm not near a machine that has the current release of Firefox but can verify it works when I get home (my home machine has the current release).

I went to Google and typed in the following:

I knew how the PGN files were named/formatted and that gave me the link above.


THANKS send me a message with an email addr and I'll send you 892 and 901 if you want them and I found issues 210-816 at

How did you know to type in "" I tried everything else like that but without the "g" which I didn't see in any of the filenames I looked at

My TWIC collection "only" goes back to #400, but since this file is 210-816 lumped together dunno if I'll be able to sort out 210-399 or not.


Well, when you go to the TWIC website and download the files, it will provide the filenames for you. in CBF format in PGN format in CBV format

I tried a number of different things at first and just kept getting the old links to the older site. Finally I decided to just search via file name and got it.


Son of a (bleep)! I tried and - and then blanked out on trying the one that works BUT I did find that site with issues 210-816 - unintentionally of course if I was actually looking for it I probably never would have found it

You should get my email shortly


Found another site that has them from 400 to 901. Only in PGN format (not compressed though)

NimzoRoy wrote:

Son of a (bleep)! I tried and - and then blanked out on trying the one that works BUT I did find that site with issues 210-816 - unintentionally of course if I was actually looking for it I probably never would have found it

You should get my email shortly

Yeah, I got it, thanks.


lol I have no idea what everybody is talking about.


Sorry to resurrect an old Thread, but I'm also lacking TWIC downloads numbers 892 and 901.

If anyone could help I'd appreciate it.


I have 1-926 in SCID and PGN format downloadable from my website (via filefactory):

Bottom of the page.


Gogonian's site is a good one.  See this thread which mentions other sites if you wish to download the TWIC files individually:


I alreadyhave all the others, it is just that 892 and 901 on the site linked above seem to have a problem and ask for a password to unzip.

I just need those 2 to complete the set.


Let me know when you've downloaded these, so I can delete them from my server:



Mr EdCollins considering how many members there are here who have never heard of search engines (or how to use them, apparently) they're lucky guys like you provide them with really useful links to stuff like TWIC issues from #200 on up. I looked around a long time ago and couldn't get back any further than #400, and I looked at reams of search engine "filler" items to find those precious few links that I did.

Anyways there's at least one person here who doesn't take your valuable info for granted and really appreciates it, esp since I never seem to be able to save any bookmarks no matter how much crap I backup before doing an OS reinstall or changing PCs.