
Tactics book for 800 elo


Dear members,

Lately I have been devoting a lot of my spare time to chess and it has helped. I went from les than 400 elo to just over 800 elo in about half a year. I however see that I have trouble with understanding tactics and also a bit with checkmates. Not with the basic ones, thats' no problem.

So I would like to get a book or two with a lot of tactics puzzles and checkmate puzzles (1-3 moves).

Do you have any recommendations? I speak English, Dutch, German and Slovenian so a book in any of these language would be fine. I already own the book "Volledige Handleiding voor het Schaakspel" by Dr. M. Euwe. That's a very nice book but focuses more on the basics: opening principles, basic checkmate patterns, stereotypical endgames and an overview of the most important openings.

Thanks in advance!


Chess Tactics for Juniors is a good one


Reinfeld and Chernev's "Winning Chess" might be worth a look. Lots of tactics puzzles/demonstrations grouped by theme.

stevenashs20mworkout schreef:

Chess Tactics for Juniors is a good one

Do you mean the book "Winning Chess Tactics for Juniors" written by Haynes?

thomasdef03 wrote:
stevenashs20mworkout schreef:

Chess Tactics for Juniors is a good one

Do you mean the book "Winning Chess Tactics for Juniors" written by Haynes?

Yeah, that's the one