I can use some help to pass 1350-1500 ELO. Something is missing in my middle game, but I can't figure out what it is. Many thanks!
2000 looking to coach beginners for free
Naučím hrát šachy.Postačí den a budete hrát na min.III.výk.tř.Platí pouze pro živé šachy.Upřednostňuji děti od 12-let.Vše,co potřebuji vědět,je: prospěch ve škole,jiná sportovní aktivita,případná nemoc zvaná nesoustředěnost.Vzhledem k náročnosti si vyhrazuji právo prvního odepsání mezi dítětem(v dozoru jednoho z rodičů),dále je to poplatek 7 US Dollarů za 1-hod.Jsem nejlacinější trenér.Můj email: [email protected]ěším se na spolupráci.Ota Pacovský
can you teach me some theory i am 1700 ish player not so sure havent played for years i have good endgame and know ideas of middlegame but i take too much time in opening i tried queen opening for some time as it is positional and somewhat slow and liked it but i found out i am a better player when i play more aggresively . i am really confused what to play because i can also play good defensive opening like french.
anyone rated 400 points higher than me in rapid,please be my coach i need help
why are the dislikes?dont i have the right to ask for a coach?why should i not learn how knight moves?
don't worry I can help you, knight moves like an L and W sometimes. Hope you can finally reach 2500 with this knowledge
sure nice