
Castling Points?

If castling was a “piece” how many points would it be worth? I dont think anybody ever thought of this. This is not a great example but if the king had a chance to capture a knight (While he still hasn’t moved the entire game) would it be worth capturing it, and losing castling?

Or maybe if its a chance to capture a queen (Again, bad example) would you capture the queen and lose castling? Let me know, I was just wondering about this and if I should lose castling to capture a knight or bishop or anything.

Sorry if this isn’t a good place to put this question, I couldn’t find anywhere else to ask.


1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - inf



I think that castling is worth around 1 point : if you have the choice between capturing a free pawn with your knight or castling, sometimes it's better to castle to ensure a safe position. However, if there's a pawn or a piece near the king, it's (almost) always better to take it and lose castling rights,since while this piece is here, it will be dangerous (or even illegal) to castle.

Yeah I might believe castling is more 2 points instead of 1 but its about the same and I agree.

A general rule I learned many years ago was that a pawn gambit in the opening was worthwhile if you gained three moves. On the basis that castling "manually" would take three moves, one point seems fair.

MartinMacT wrote:

A general rule I learned many years ago was that a pawn gambit in the opening was worthwhile if you gained three moves. On the basis that castling "manually" would take three moves, one point seems fair.

This is good thinking.

I would cheerfully sack a pawn to deny castling for my opponent, but not much more, and certainly not a full piece.


Castling O-O gains 2 tempi: it is like 3 moves Kf0, Rf1, Kg1 for the price of 1.
We know from gambits that 1 pawn is worth 3 tempi.
Thus castling is worth 2/3 pawn.


2 to 3 points might be a reasonable estimate. This is somewhat equivalent to the value of a minor piece (knight or bishop), reflecting the importance of king safety and rook activation.



Here is a counterexample: 
Tal gave up a knight 11 Nxe6 for 2 pawns and to prevent Botvinnik from castling.
Botvinnik won.
Thus 3 - 2 = 1 pawn is too much.
I stay with 2/3 pawn.


Well thanks for saying this, also whats up with #5?


Rook+king =8.5




#12 technically the king doesn't have any points because of the importance, some people might say infinite some might say none. So I have no clue where you got 3.5 from


in the end game the king is powerful so king is 3.5 points


No if anything it definitely isn't, the bishop and knight are 3 points and can move a lot more than the king. Besides Chess has decided the kings points are either none or infinite


Now what are points for other things. For example: Development, Pawn center control, etc… if they were all pieces what would they be worth so I know how important each one is?


Take the piece. Castling isn't worth anything most of the time...