Ridiculous problem. This is such a specific line, shouldn't put the other variations wrong. I mean c'mon, theory is Nf6 on the first move and eric opts for some other jungle tarzan line that nobody played. The ONLY game in the database after the silly f5 is by some random 2200 in 1999 thats probably erics best friend or something. And the strongest player that played this e5 move thats sooo 'aggresive' is a 2500 in 1993. So if you're going to make up your own theory and add it to chess.com chess mentor then make an article, not a chess mentor lesson. Thanks.
Beware the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit
Author(s): Eric Schiller
Initial Score: 23%
Current Score: 23% on 8/17/2010
Number of Attempts: 1
Rating Change: -4
My Current Rating: 2359
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Ridiculous problem. This is such a specific line, shouldn't put the other variations wrong. I mean c'mon, theory is Nf6 on the first move and eric opts for some other jungle tarzan line that nobody played. The ONLY game in the database after the silly f5 is by some random 2200 in 1999 thats probably erics best friend or something. And the strongest player that played this e5 move thats sooo 'aggresive' is a 2500 in 1993. So if you're going to make up your own theory and add it to chess.com chess mentor then make an article, not a chess mentor lesson. Thanks.