
Percentage Complete Bug


I've completed all 23 lessons in Champion Tactics with GM Wolff- Interference, but it lists me as 95.65% done the course.  This is 22/23 so I think its for some reason not registering that I'm done.  It's a nuisance because I keep going back to the course thinking to finish it off.

LordTC wrote:

I've completed all 23 lessons in Champion Tactics with GM Wolff- Interference, but it lists me as 95.65% done the course.  This is 22/23 so I think its for some reason not registering that I'm done.  It's a nuisance because I keep going back to the course thinking to finish it off.

We may have to go to Help & Support for an answer.


The lesson that seems to be missing is lesson 14. For some reason is not registered for the course. I've faced the same problems previously on other courses, i.e., unregistered lessons, or non consecutive lessons, but the other courses all account for the total number of lessons actually completed. Has anybody had his/her problem solved relating to this issue?


On your settings page have you got it set to Sequential - go to the next lesson in order ? or Adaptive - find other lessons in my ratings range?


Thanx kohai for the answer...

I don't use that setting as I'm going directly to the Course page and do the lessons one by one as I have the time. And it is exactly in the course page that it is possible to see the missing lesson 14. As LordTC put it, the percentage is 95.65% = 22/23 possible lessons. My conclusion on this issue is the lesson has been removed, but for some reason it is still being accounted for in terms of total number of lessons.

This is my take on the issue. Again thank you for the reply.


Sorry to go at it again.

Just encountered another issue, this time on Champion Tactics with GM Wolff - Back Rank. Again seems to be a problem with registered lessons, Chess Mentor is considering 37 but I can only do 35 (lessons 28 and 33 are not available).

I don't know if these lessons have been removed recently or why I'm encountering this issue and nobody else.


Yes, I believe some of the lessons in the GM Wolff Tactics courses have been deleted as they were duplicates. Sorry for the confusion.


No confusion, but nonetheless if you would like to see all your courses up to 100%, these two now are messing your record!

Is it possible to get this issue sorted?