Killer King
I only need one unlucky or honoured person to allow me to checkmate by moving my king and in doing so have my most important piece do the honors in a way
I only need one unlucky or honoured person to allow me to checkmate by moving my king and in doing so have my most important piece do the honors in a way
I am willing to help you achieved this. Just give me a message.
I think I only need the castle mate. I'm content to never get this, because it's really only impossible unless your opponent is pretty much braindead. (Or if your name is Paul Morphy / Edward Lasker.)
The easiest way to get killer king is to set up ladder mate (King vs. King and two major pieces) but put your king on the back rank before you slide your major piece to the back rank and deliver checkmate. When the enemy king moves, slide your king out of the way of the back rank major piece and behind the second-to-back rank major piece. Back rank checkmate, but you technically moved your king last, so it counts as killer king.