Accepted King's Gambit
I played the kings gambit extensivley during the summer and won alot of games with it but i have not played it since. Really great opening to have as white. Black usually hasnt done his homework
Greco's attacks are spectacular but sometimes unsound. In this case, 6...hxg5 would have won his knight while simultaneously protecting the e8-h6 diagonal. But Ray was correct when he said 5...f6? was a blunder. The most accurate way to exploit the mistake is 6.Ne5! Now, if 6.fxe5?? it's mate exactly as before but even if Black realizes the danger and plays 6...h5 White still scores some material with the queen-rook fork 7.Nf7.
Surfing the web, I found this really interesting game of Gioachino Greco, and I thought some one might like to see it.