
Advise me; new opening


I want to learn a new opening for white. At the moment I play the Queen's Gambit, but I've become a bit bored of it. I'd don't really want to go back to playing e4, but I want to play an opening that is attacking. Please bare in mind that although I say attacking, I do not mean a "throw the kitchen sink opening" (as my chess couch puts it); I like a good defence aswell. Nothing too risky.

As black I play the scandanavian (2. Nf6 variation) and I love it. Something a bit like this for white would be ideal.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Portuguese Opening
Could you elaborate please? A diagram with variations perhaps?
You have a talking chess couch? WAY cool!
Coach. Sorry to disapoint you ivandh. Oh how much better life would be if we all owned talking, chess themed sofas. :)

Portuguese opening is very theoretical...and not very used for there u can catch many people with that



The Evans Gambit is my favorite. It goes:

e4     e5

Nf3   Nc6

Bc4   Bc5


    The purpose it to set deflect the bishop, and follow with c3 and a quick d4.

 Do you like Gambits or safe, developing, methodical openings? Just post your answer and I'll be happy to do some research for you!


A quick (less than one minute) web search shows that the Portugese is 1. e4 e5 2. Bb5. But you said you didn't want to play 1. e4


How about playing the King's Indian Attack with a 1. Nf3 move order. 


I only like gambits if it is pretty much comfirmed that I get the piece back at some point. I think the key word that you mentioned is "safe". It sums up my usual play quite well. Not exactly passive; I do attack, but I play nice safe attacks that don't blow up in my face.

What are the moves for this Portuguese opening?

An interesting point Loomis. I adore the King's Indian Defence as black when playing D5. Does it follow the same principles?

Portuguese is 1.e4 but has some good concepts involved


How are you getting bored of one opening? Is everyone playing 1...d5? I play 1. d4 most of the time and see many different responses. There are the Indian defences, Grunefeld, Benoni, and you can still play the Caro-Kann, French, modern, etc. If you are not seeing these, you could ask your opponent to play a set opening. Against 1...d5, you could play 2. e4, which is the Blackmar-Diemer gambit. I don't really know what a 'white Scandinavian' would look like. Probably like most other Scandinavians! Ha ha ha... ha... ha. Anyways, hope that helps.
Well I have seen people play all of those, but I've been playing this opening for months so I feel I have exhausted the opening. One of my friends plays the Blackmar Diemer gambit sometimes. I seem to remember it created an odd position against me. I will certainly look into it.

The King's Indian Attack (KIA) is like playing the King's Indian Defense (KID) with the extra half-tempo. White gets just as equal a game with the KIA that black gets with the KID. The 1. Nf3 move order is nice for a 1. d4 player because it doesn't commit you to anything, you can likely transpose back to your favorite 1. d4 lines if you need to. Or play a Catalan (or similar) the way Kramnik is crushing everyone these days.


Are there any traps in the KIA to look out for?
Play the English.

No, wait!

That was my chair speaking!

I've actually looked into the English before. I tell you what; I'll go and try a game with each opening suggested then I will post them here for analysis of how well I played the opening.
Lord-Svenstikov wrote: Well I have seen people play all of those, but I've been playing this opening for months so I feel I have exhausted the opening. One of my friends plays the Blackmar Diemer gambit sometimes. I seem to remember it created an odd position against me. I will certainly look into it.

 You have exhausted the opening 1. d4 by playing it for months?

Shirley, you can't be serious!

oh ok, perhaps I may have included a little hyperbole. Yet the point remains that I want a change. Another reason is to make me less predictable. If I always play the Queen's Gambit then people can prepare for me.