
Alekhine's Defense with 2. Nc3


Hi Everyone,

 I occasionally play Alekhine's Defense, and I was wondering, maybe we could make a database of possible lines of play for Black after 2. Nc3. Just post a diagram with the line of play, and annotate a little. If you can, say where you got the line from.



2 Nc3...d5 =





Just play e5 and go into the Vienna

       3.c4 Nb6  4. d4 d6  will lead to the four pawns attack 5.f4  dxe5  6.fxe5 Nc6  7.Be3 Bf5 etc.....     3.d4 d6  4.c4 Nb6 leads to the exchange variation 5.exd6 exd6  6.Ne3 Nc6  7. Be3 Be7  8.Bd3 0-0  you might also check the scandinavian and maroczy variations.. these are just a few standards of the AD


Please post a diagram with those variations. Thanks!


IM Graham Burgess gives this as the most interesting after 2. Nc3:

Nick de Firmian (spelled wrong!) gives this line as equal in "Chess Openings the Easy Way":


3...d4 is much better than 3...Ne4 because Black is going to be seriously cramped with no compensation after 4 Nxe4 dxe4 5 d4 exd3 6 Qxd3/Bxd3.  White has a strong pawn in the center and Black doesn't.  


Yes, careal, I think you're right about that. I'm playing  the Ne4 Alekhine variation in one of my games right now, and  I am not quite satisfied with it, it left me cramped. Here I'll show you the position. I somehow managed to get out of the cramped position for some part, but white couldve exploited is space advantage much more. I think After this game I wont play this variation anymore until I found a sound continuation. And Chesslover, I like the d4 variation, thank you for the idea. I'll try it out in one of my next games, it looks exciting.

Right now, it's my mo

ve . I'm still pondering.






I Think I shouldve immediately played 11..Qa1+ and then after 12 Kd2 ...Bb4+

Force a bisshop exchange to release tension in center, and immediately castle. I still have to analyze that. But first, I need to finish the game. 


Hi Dinky ! I think your 5...e6 is certainly playable (doesn't it transpose into a French ?), but why not play something like 5...Bf5 and then a set-up like in your game with ...e6/c5.

I don't see any immediate way for white to take advantage of this black move.



   I agree, 5... e6 is playable, but 5... Bf5 was probobly slightly better, and I think this is one of the reasons that Dinky's game became cramped.

I prefer to play the simple 1. e4 Nf6 2. Nc3 d5 3. exd5 Nxd5 4. Bc4 as white, just continuing to develop the pieces.


  Thanks for mentioning this line, as I forgot to include it! It is a fairly common line, and I recommend anyone playing the Alekhine to know a bit about it:

  4... Nb6 is the main line, but 4... Nxc3 is also a fairly good move. I am aware there is a way to grab a pawn in the line:

4... e6

5. Bxd5!?     exd5

6. Qe2+

But I don't know the details.


Yes, I agree that Bf5 was better indeed. I think I was a little afraid of white's center domination, with a move like 6.c4. But I think It wasn't really anything to worry about yet, since white also had a problem with the cramping e4 pawn.

Instead I made the mistake of locking in my light-squared bisshop. You were quite right about that. I will thoroughly analyze this game after it's finished. I might post some ideas later. Thanks for you ideas.

realy good