The open.
Or just play the open Sicilian which gives a good White player good game nonetheless. Stick to good theory instead of random bad shenanigans. Fischer won with both sides of the Sicilian by huge margins, meaning a good player will still win. I enjoy both sides of the Najdorf and the Marcozy Bind and Yugoslav as White against Dragons. The Keres attack is a winning try as well.
The open requires that you know ridiculous amounts of theory....but its easily white's best try.
If you're having trouble with 1...c5, you can try implementing the Grand Prix attack. I've only used it with my chess programs (and not OTB or in correspondence games), but it's been fairly successful.
1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 Nc6 3. f4 g6 4.Nf3 Bg7 is the main line, where White can play the positional 5.Bb5, threatening to double Black's pawns with Bxc6, or the more aggressive 5.Bc4, aiming for a kingside attack. [Main line and text taken from's page on the "Sicilian Defense".]
There are other lines to consider on that page as well. Definitely worth a look if you have time to read. Patzer24's line [1. e4 c5 2. b3!?] reminds me of the Wing Gambit [2. b4!?], and of a book titled "Challenging the Sicilian with 2. a3!?". If you can't decide, just pick an anti-Sicilian line and run with it for awhile.
The open requires that you know ridiculous amounts of theory....but its easily white's best try.
Spassky played the closed with great results so I cant agree with you eric. Who else played the closed? I can think of Hort, Smyslov and Karpov.....a very healthy endorsement of the closed to be sure. Spassky could also play the open sicilians from both sides of the board with great results too, the mark of a real champion imo.
I guess that makes Johnny a real man! :)
Seriously though the closed sicilian is the reason I stopped playing sicilians altogether, I'd rather watch paint dry than play a position like that. I know Spassky used it a lot in the 60s but nowadays its considered a pretty tame response to the sicilian.
What execpt the aggressive Morra Gambit should I play against Sicilian?