I went through exactly what you are going through, so I know how irritating it is when it seems like you're the only one in your rating class who's trying to play the openings properly. Try to play against higher rated players whenever possible (even if it means playing some unrated games), and you'll get to practice the proper theory more often. Also, when your oppenent throws you a curveball try to adapt what is in the book to your situation. You'll make some mistakes, but you'll start to build your own understanding of not only how these openings work, but why.
I'd stick to just a few openings at first so as not to overwhelm yourself.
Hope some of that is helpful.
im not a beginner,and i know the basics of opening,control of the board castling......blah blah blah,but i dont know any real mechanics of chess.so deciding to look at openings i had hundreads of them in front of me,but as im only a average player no one follows the standard way of playing,not because they have a new system which is going to blow this opening theory out the window,but because there playing basically in the dark(as i would be if i didnt have birds opening theory or whatever opening i was using in front of me).i really want to understand the openings but how can i progress.any tips for me,cheers