
Attacking plan in the caro kann exchange

definitely not the cleanest game but this was one where I was able to get my opponent to create a weakness which allowed me to form an attacking plan. 
11. B4 created a backward c3 pawn on an open file for black
putting a rook on the c file is standard in the exchange caro and if the opportunity presents itself it’s good to stack heavy pieces to pressure the weak backward pawn. 

in hindsight he couldve kicked my rook on c8 (and should have) with his dark squared bishop but instead choose to chase the queen with pawns hoping to sequester her on an unfavorable square on the edge of the board.
again not the cleanest game but this position can come up in the Caro and it can be hard to form a plan sometimes. Develop your pieces, form your pawn chain, ensure king is safe, proceed with queenside attack when ready.

Interesting match