
beatind the sicilian


can any one suggest good moves to beat the sicilian defence..

1. d4 :P
Take a look at the Grand Prix Attack.

Follow the common Siilian counter structure. Castle queenside and play the game in terms of owning d file after 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. d4'

 Move the Queen up a space and castle queen side and have double pressure on the d file. Also since it's opposite side castling, thrust your kingside pawns up and if possible in the opening, exchange off your bishop for black's "dragon" or "fianchetti'd" bishop. I find that as soon as that bishop is gone, black's kingside is filled with a weak network of squares, move those kingside pawns up as fast as you can and race to attacking the king.

It's a cliche and common strategy for white against the sicilian, but it works well for me. Good luck.