
Been working on a h6 response to d4. What do you think of this opening?

I have done threads in the past seeking a good response to d4. I tried Nf6 for a while, but wasn't fully enjoying d4, Nf6 games still.
One game just out of frustration I played h6. I lost the game, but I enjoyed it a great deal. It was an open game, and the unorthodox nature of the position was great to play.
So I started responding with h6 a lot more. Gradually I started to get the feel for the opening and results have improved.
Basically whatever white responds with I play g5 and then Bg7. Now obviously the computer hates this opening, and says white is +1 after g5 in all scenarios.
But I have enjoyed the games, and by no means do I have this opening figured out, but it still leads to a more open game.
Now there are defeats sure, but from each one I find that i just played a little wrong. For instance in one of the games (I can't find it), I could have played Bg7 or Ne7.
I saw after I moved Bg7, that Ne7 was the better move. Of course I lost, but the game was very easily winnable after Ne7 instead of Bg7. So I think the opening even though I am still figuring it out, has potential.
What do you think of h6 as response to d4, by black.

Won't 1.- d4, h6 2.- e4, g5 3.- f4, Ag7 4.- Ac4 give white too much initiative?

Okay this was the latest one. These games are hard to find because they get lost in the crowd and there really isn't anyway to filter out d4 h6 openings. If I find more I will post them.
Now here the opponent just blunders his queen, but till that point the computer says its -.30 for black. So equal. Feel free to dissect.

Okay found another

Here the opening got ripped apart because I blundered on move 10. Obviously have to take with the knight. However till the blunder again computer gives the position as -.22 for black. So again equal. I feel the opening has potential.

Both oponents have played passive moves such as e3 or Bf4, could you find a game where white establishes a pawn centre including e4?

The kingside is certainly weakened and active play from white should lead to trouble.


Did some filtering, finally found 1 game, where white the whole of the middle, with e4 d4 c4. He does get a strong centre and I had to give a knight away to break that control. I remember when I played this, and put the knight on the chopping block, I remember thinking surely its better not to take the knight. Those two pawns are far more important than the pawn.


Very dubious play from both sides in this one.



@Pfren- I am sure you mean the opening is total bullshit and not opponent. Don't disagree at all at you are correct. However lets atleast discuss. Especially your inputs in how to make the most of a bullshit opening would be very welcome.


These moves that you play against 1.d4 as Black is an extremely bad idea for you. If you play this opening against a STRONG player rather than playing against weak players, it won't be so difficult for you to understand why, and how bad this opening is. happy.png 


Even White plays passively, they have a nice advantage against you because you are just neglecting the fundamental principles of chess such as controlling the center and developing your pieces.


For instance, there is a line that White can play against you.

Black's best try after playing 1.h6 is just trying to develop simply and trying to control the center rather than playing some absurd moves like 2.g5, which neglects the opening principles. But the move (1.h6) just allows White to play 2.e4 with a space advantage. Moreover, there are a lot of choices for Black to play against 1.d4: Nf6, c6, e6, d6, g6, c5, d5 ... It will be better for you to try one of them rather than playing 1.h6.


By my count, your record playing this is 9/17/2, a win rate of 32%. Your overall blitz win rate is 48.5%. No matter what your opponent's response to 1. ...h6, at best your win/loss is even.

so if your goal is to win 1/3 fewer games, you've found a good solution. 


JayeshSinhaChess wrote:
Okay this was the latest one. These games are hard to find because they get lost in the crowd and there really isn't anyway to filter out d4 h6 openings. 

See above ^


Better off learning a real opening or studying tactics or endgames.  Any other chess work is better then this


Can I play you? I'd love to destroy this!


If you enjoy playing this opening, keep on doing so!


The opening is complete and utter s**t!

White is better in any reasonable line, and if White really wants to be an a$$, he can and still not be worse.  I have seen this played with my own two eyes.


1.d4 h6? 2.h4!? - White won the one time I have seen it played.


i played this in conjunction with the grob in every arena kings tournament because i dont care and watched tv with my left eye. Nice for bullet cause you can premove the first 3 moves without blundering.

Bad if you want to win games^^

testaaaaa wrote:

i played this in conjunction with the grob in every arena kings tournament because i dont care and watched tv with my left eye. Nice for bullet cause you can premove the first 3 moves without blundering.

Bad if you want to win games^^


How do you figure?


1.d4 h6? and you premove what?  2...g5?  Ok, I play 2.h4!


the opening is so crappy gambiting the g-pawn does not make it worse


The opening is a very bad opening. When you won with this opening it was against weak players who played weak moves.


it is bad, the last person who had regular sucess with it was michael basman


         Actually I played that opening decades ago at our local chess club and of course got DESTROYED . Maybe White can get away with time wasting moves like ( 1.h3) because he has  that extra tempo of the First move.But as black a time wasting move like (1..h6)  u are now 2 TEMPI behind which is equal to a pawn on your FIRST MOVE !!   Laughing