Beginner - Opening to use? Help please!
if your opponent plays an opening you don't know, remember these 5 reasons people make certain moves in the opening:
1. Controlling the center (directly or indirectly)
2. Developing pieces
3. Getting the king safe
4. Winning Material
5.Preventing loss of material
Thanks for this. But I am really after some people actually posting openings in board or notation form.
Thanks ever so much anyways
I approached openings like slowly developing a tree in my head.
The first "trunk" to explore is e4. From there things vary alot based on whether you're a beginner or a higher level player. As a beginner, you're going to see e5 most often as a response. The next obvious move is Nf3 attacking blacks pawn, and then Nc6 defending it. This is called the "Epine Dorsale" or dorsal fin, and is the basis of several major openings. The easiest of these, IMO, is the Scotch Game where your next move is d4. It is a relatively simple opening where you can force a few small advantages as white. It also leads to a fairly open game without alot of complications early. The most commonly advised "branch" to start with is the one above, or the Italian game "Guioco Piano", Quiet Game. It's can get a little tricky, and I don't personally think it should be the first opening you try. The Spanish game, or Ruy Lopez, is 3. Bb4 which has lots of theory and you will run into people with deep opening ideas on it. But it's the "master level" set of openings that comes from the Epine dorsale.
So that's alot of words to say, try the Scotch.
I usually just open with a central pawn and then move knight to protect it. But I always start the same way and when i play someone who actually knows some good openings i get kiked lol.
So could someone please post some openings from both White and Blacks perspective for me. They haven't got to be massively complex lol, just some basic ones to for the foundations of my opening knowledge lol.
:D Thanks