
Benko Gambit analysis


I've been preparing the Benko to add to my opening repertoire with my coach recently (I play the KID currently). Opinions, ideas, comments much appreciated. I can also provide links to some lichess studies if anyone would like to study it as well. 

For those who don't know it, it starts off as 1.d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5.


It's a great line... you get strong pressure all the way into the endgame usually... it has one of the highest winrates as black of any d4 defense, and it's lots of fun, it's also a good way to learn attacking chess.

I also really like how it handles the zuckertort since you can play the spielman-indian, often leading to a pseudo-benko... it's actually a sound line and gives you a very novel position. This is one of the few effective ways I've found of really throwing off a zuckertort player.

Only thing I'll say is there are opportunities to diverge from the main benko line and I think this can increase its effectiveness as you climb in elo, since once people start to know the king walk lines and some others it can become a bit formulaic. But for now you probably shouldn't worry too much about that.


in the zuckertort the lines look great for black... here d5 leads to the spielman-indian, pseudo benko (can transpose back into the benko if you want, or not) -

e3 can lead to an improved benoni setup... if white pushes d5 here, which they usually don't, it's not that great anymore since e3 is a tempo loss, and that tempo makes a difference -

if c3 the game is already equal... whites best is to transpose into the c5/Qb6 lines in the london which you probably already play via the indian defense setup, but c3 for white is still sub-optimal here -

if c4 you just get this english anti-benoni line -




Tesó toljad neki d4 esek ellen full jó me azok a szerencsétlenek csak a queens gambit variait meg a nimzot tanulják meg, én pont most voltam egy fide versenyen azt egy 1900as ratingos csávót elvertem f5el d4re. Ezek ilyenek d4re fos gambitok kellenek meg szedett vedett megnyitások, me akko nagyon kukák lesznek.


Either you have to memorize a few sharp tactical lines which are characteristic of the "New Benko" (1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 b5 4.cxd5 a6 5.bxa6 e6!) or opt for the traditional handling, which requires good endgame technique (as well as some patience).

IMO 5.e3!? is the most annoying line. Black's best is 5...e6 when Black has sufficient compensation, but the play is quite complicated and not easy to handle properly.

I’m trying to figure this one out.