
best openings...


what do you think is the best opening for chess? the one you frequently use? put examples of your last games if you can or just examples to demostrate the opening

i usuall set up my defence and get both my bishops ready to attack thier rooks but..its kind of flawed.. i yse this opening in like every game for the past 2 weeks.. ive kind of been stuck on it but hey.. ive won more than i lost works at times...
I usually try to release my knights first................ doesn't work
If you're starting out, try using e4, nf3.. this will of course depend on what black plays. Two general rules: attempt to assert some control over the centre 4 squares, knights out before bishops.

As defense, c5 (sicilian) can create some tests for white e4.
Have a play around, the best teacher is an attentively played loss.

I usually attempt a Ruy Lopez regardless of what color I am and switch it up as necessary depending on what the opponent does. 

I like Queen's Gambit or King's Gambit as white(or the white side of the Sicilian, depending on the opponent).


As black I like the Sicilian, Accelerated Dragon Variation against 1.e4 and the Nimzo-Indian against 1.d4.

guitar_man_03 wrote:

what do you think is the best opening for chess? the one you frequently use? put examples of your last games if you can or just examples to demostrate the opening

I use King's Indian Attack for white and for black, my defence for E4 can be Pirc defence, or Latvian Gambit but if my opponent use King's Gambit then I approach him whatever the game goes.  Sometimes we go King's Indian defence and it is also fine with me.  If white use D4, I use Dutch defence, or Albin Counter Gambit or Queens Gambit Declined.  If white use nf3, nc3 or b3 or g3 or c4, I use Dutch defence.

For E4, I also use Sicilian Dragon
I specialize in the Evans Gambit for white, and Alekhine's Defense for black. Join specialize in the Evans Gambit to learn more about it.
Always pick the openings with the coolest sounding names. This, of course, depends on your taste, but it's why I play The Accelerated Dragon, The Grunfeld, and The Catalan. Also, stay away from Nationalistic openings like the French, the English, the Italian, the Portugese, etc.