
best openings? (either color)


I've been trying to find some good openings for myself (im rated 1100) rn I play the scotch for white and the Scandinavian for black. Are there better ones i should be using/studying?


in terms of black you should use the french, caro-kann, Sicillian. white is the best bet if your opponent goes carokann then go nf3 and if he goes d4 just gonc3. Literally


You can't rely just on the Scotch and Scandinavian.

What if White plays 1.d4? (You are Black)

What if Black plays 1...e6, 1...c5, or 1...c6 (You are White)

What if Black plays 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6? This is precisely what I play. No Scotch here!


every opening is boring once you played 1000 of them repeating the same 30 depth learned moves for years. I like the stupid opening, though, the one where you can be mate in one move. that is challenging; I won a few of them.


You should consider adding more openings

blaseshortcut wrote:

rn I play the scotch for white and the Scandinavian for black. Are there better ones i should be using/studying?

You'd be hard pressed to find much worse ones, tbh.

Experimentation is good but if I were you I'd consider my scotch / scandinavian experimentation phase complete and move on to the Italian / Caro-Kann. The Caro-Kann is structurally similar to the Scandinavian, it should be something you can pick up which will seem somewhat familiar in the patterns. But just better than what you've been doing.