
can anyone teach me?


any one who has an idea how to conquer the middle in black as soon as possible before the white attacks? Ü


Notice one comes from the Philippines, the other from the US... I would expect the inverse as to who speaks better english, no?


As for the original question: there is no definite answer, explore the different openings:, pick one you like and practice it.

When the whites start movings their pawns, you try to move yours defending the center. Don't move more than 3 pawns(2 is ok) at the opening, develop your pieces(bishops, knights). Castle as soon as possible if you can. I agree, be patient and expect the right moment to attack(play every day if you can, the best way to learn)(get a good chess book to support your practice).
It's all about the defense if you're black. White's going to try and secure the middle of the board. You have to build a couonter offense. You have to be patient though, since white moves first and is going for the center. I am not the greatest player around but I have learned when playing black, to develop my pawns towards the center with plenty of well placed back up. Don't let white cause you to loose tempo early on. If you develop pieces don't waste moves being to bold. Following Chopra's advice I tend to only, I repeat only, move move than two pawns in the first moves of the opening. The reason: Because white has one move on me and I have to defend my pawns as I progress in the early moves.

From my experience, the Sicilian Defense has the bigger potential of early counter-attack. But, it really boils down on determining the proper time to seize the initiative because black starts on the defensive. Look for weak moves from white, determine if you can sustain the attack while maintaining defense. Premature counter-attack will lead to disaster. So, if you don't have the opportnity yet, work on developing your pieces. In openings, focus on control of the center. In middle game, develop mobility, flexibility and coordination of your pieces. In short, develop your strategy and analyze your opponent's moves. That's why chess is very interesting because it is involves so many aspects - science, art, math. If there is only one way (or everything is known) in chess, then it becomes boring.

My two-cent worth. 

keisam wrote:

any one who has an idea how to conquer the middle in black as soon as possible before the white attacks? Ü

 If you're willing to gamble on a sacrifice to achieve your goal, for my money there's no better opening ploy for Black to sieze the center and the initiative than the Trojan Gambit - 1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 d5!? 3.ef gf - a discovery of mine that yields amazing potential positional as well as PSYCHOLOGICAL compensation for Black thanks to his open lines of attack and strong Pawn center; not to mention White's natural tendency to BLUNDER thanks to his unexpected "winning" advantage gained so early in the game with no effort on his part subsequently making him unduly nervous. You'll find sample games on this original and highly effective line of counterattack for Black devised and analysed by yours truly in my fabulous modern chess masterpiece posted at; although since its publication I have used it to score many more scintillating unpublished victories. Cool