
Chess Defense 1


This is a kind of chess defense that very useful when you play as black...enjoy..

That is the Hungarian Defence.
Yes,it is..
Passive but solid. I lost to an expert player. white should play 4. d4. I played d3 instead and transpose to a guicco piano. I lost not because of the opening but because of lack of understanding from the middlegame.
can u do an explanation of where it is likely to move from there then if white plays d4 on a chess board?
ghostofmaroczy wrote: That is the Hungarian Defence.


Yes this is the Hungarian im sure. Isint there a line that goes like this?  Pretty important to know since i have had black players resign after move 6 or 7 even tho they are only slightly worse off. In fact, even tho opening theory has been played move for move they still resign  because they didnt understand the position.

Yep, i played the Hungarian Defense, but didn't like it after facing what i think is transposed into the Danish Gambit that Graw81 posted.
Graw81, why doesn't white just pull his bishop back to c1?
Sunshiny wrote: Graw81, why doesn't white just pull his bishop back to c1?

 Bc1 ...Nb4! Black is better.


Btw im pretty certain the opening is still classified as Hungarian defense dispite the offer of pawns by white like in the scotch gambit/goring gambit/danish gambit. 

Graw81 wrote: Sunshiny wrote: Graw81, why doesn't white just pull his bishop back to c1?

 Bc1 ...Nb4! Black is better.


Btw im pretty certain the opening is still classified as Hungarian defense dispite the offer of pawns by white like in the scotch gambit/goring gambit/danish gambit. 

 Thanks for the info.


I faced it a few times in blitz games and hadn't explored the options afterwards. I attempted to avoid it altogether with 5. ... d3. Not sure if that was the best move. 

By the way 5...dxc3 is given a '?' according to NCO and insted suggests 5...Na5. I looked this up last night to make sure having posted the above game sequence. 4...d6 is also covered in NCO. Just clearing things up!
Graw81 wrote: By the way 5...dxc3 is given a '?' according to NCO and insted suggests 5...Na5. I looked this up last night to make sure having posted the above game sequence. 4...d6 is also covered in NCO. Just clearing things up!

5. ... Na5 doesn't look very promising to me.

4. ... d6 looks ok, but may lead to Na5 which i don't like. The other option would be moving Nb8 which is losing tempo. Then again, it may be affordable in a closed game.