
Chess Defense 2


Another great chess defense in my collection..enjoy..


this is not that amazing it is just a lay-off of the common, knight, then bishop and then pawn king side dilemma

it can be improvised into anything 


Your opening is called the Konstintanopolosky opening, named after the person who played it first. It isn't that bad actually, and I might just play it some time soon.

Hope this helps!


"Defences" are played by black, "Openings" or "Attacks" are played by white.
Ray_Brooks wrote: "Defences" are played by black, "Openings" or "Attacks" are played by white.

 That's not entirely true both sides play an opening and there opening play determines whether its an attack or defense and it is foolhardy to assume white is the attacker.

mhbat14 wrote: Ray_Brooks wrote: "Defences" are played by black, "Openings" or "Attacks" are played by white.

 That's not entirely true both sides play an opening and there opening play determines whether its an attack or defense and it is foolhardy to assume white is the attacker.

 Dear mhbat14,

In chess terminology or jargon, openings are played by White and defences are played by black regardless of whether white does the defending or black the attacking. 


It's a Ruy Lopez transposition into a Kingside fianchetto, what's the reason behind the hooplah?

Black appears to be playing the Morphy Defense against the perceived Ruy Lopez, but it can change.  It's somewhat interesting, but not all that special.